"Money trumps peace...sometimes", Bush said this morning.
During a press conference this morning, our Dictator in Chief let a little truth slip through his thin lips. Money trumps peace. Money trumps the lives of our soldiers who have been put in harms way as a means to an end, of which some might point out, is money. Blood money, blood for oil, war profiteering. A reporter asked Bush the following: A lot of our allies in Europe do a lot of business with Iran...How do you further tighten financial pressure on Iran if it means economic pain for a lot of our allies? Bush said, with a smile and a snicker, "money trumps peace..sometimes". One can surmise that he would use that same reason for going into Iraq, and for sending even more troops. Let the blood surge. The blood of thousands of soldiers is on his hands. The blood of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens is on his hands. As long as we allow this to continue, our hands (and the hands of the impotent Congress) are also stained with blood. What must he do before the American people, and the Congress take back our country from the hands of this domestic terrorist? This arrogant mad man must be stopped!