We must demand that the John Roberts nomination be defeated.
His extremist conservative agenda must not be allowed to gain a further foothold on our precious Supreme Court.
Defeating him becomes even more critical in light of what has unfolded along the Gulf Coast over the last week.
The conservative way of doing business has been a catastrophic failure. We cannot reward these disasterous policies by putting Mr. Roberts on the SCOTUS!
His toxic Darwinian extremism must not be allowed to further pollute the Supreme Court. His each man for himself, sink or swim, throw government in the garbage mentality has been proven to be a big, ugly lie. He must be stopped.
As a postscript to the devastation wrought by Katrina, this nomination now appears even more grossly inappropriate.
We must not allow this dangerous man to assume a seat on the SCOTUS.
The sickening policies and priorities of the Bush government from the racist bankruptcy bill, to the social security swindle, to the Medicare giveaway to the pharmauceutical industry demands that we say NO to Mr. Roberts.
A Justice Roberts will use the Court to further trample the few protections we still have. This is the conservative agenda he has held his entire life.
No more niceties. The dead demand that we call Mr. Roberts and all of his ilk what they are, racist extremists.
And if Hillary Clinton and other Democrats and moderate Republicans want to continue to pander to the extremist wing of the Republican party, then we must PUSH BACK and do it today. It is OUR Supreme Court.
It is clear things are no longer working in this country. To allow a man like Mr. Roberts to set this country back even further would make the death and tragedy we have all witnessed even more grotesque and appalling.
We must defeat this man. We owe this much at least, to all who have given their lives in this new chapter in the battle for the survival of America.