No, not us...Them!!!
There are a lot of GOOPer chumps out there who think that they've got what it takes to be president.
Tradesports considers McCain to be the favorite. Sounds like people are gambling on name recognition rather than logic.
I would put the odds of McCain getting the nomination at about 20 to 1. About the same chance as Lieberman emerging as our nominee and for the same reasons.
No, McCain will not be the nominee unless he starts tacking to the far right immediately with soppy, wet kisses to all the fundies who hate him right now.
And even if he does that, they will spurn him for questioning their dogma.
But Giuliani might be able to get conservatives to support him. Which would make race a cakewalk for Hillary or whoever emerges as our nominee.
Why? Because Giuliani is a flip-flopper!
He has the same problem getting conservative votes that Kerry had last year.
Promise: if Giuliani gets the nomination, millions of wingers who voted for Bush last year will stay home.
The catch-22 is that if Giuliani doesn't get the nomination, one of the seven "dwarfs" will:
Allen, Gingrich, Romney, Frist, Brownback, Owen, Hagel
These guys are much less well known that Bush was in 2000 and will have a hard time selling "compassionate conservatism" to mainstream voters now that they all know it's a bunch of crap.
Anyway, feel free to speculate.
Which one of these unlucky GOOPer's will pay for the sins of this administration?