Really? He gets a standing ovation. He leads a leading western country with terrible poverty. He gets a standing ovation? People quote how great the economy is AND on top of that, we give them billions. And they still have starving children.
MickT stands and claps! then pukes.
But then again, Bush leads the world in providing pathetic health care and ignoring the poor and Congress sucks up to him. Maybe I'm missing something. Corruption, poverty, apathy to the citizens, tax breaks to wealthy = Leadership and respect. Who knew?
MickT pukes some more.
Congress chastises Palestine.
Olmert has a plan for peace? Just like Sharon's. It means not talking to anyone. An odd peace. I'm sure the Peace Now activists that will be arrested, shot at, and rolled over between now and when Olmert's 'peace' shows up at the end of a gun are supportive.
Bush has a Clean Skies initiative! He even got it passed into an act. The skies are clean.?.?.??? Words are so neat.
MickT wants 'Peace', but only my way! I'm sure it will work!
The Iraqi non-government government is moving along just fine at not-providing services to its citizens. Not only that, but their ministers can get in front of a microphone and say cute phrases. One need only look at Katrina to realize that that is the role of government officials. Cute phrases, and the occassional arrest of a #2 in Al Qaeda is all one needs from a foreign government for us to declare them a happy American-style democracy abroad. Stateside, cute phrases alone work.
Like when Islamic Jihad bombed and killed Israelis and Olmert quickly went to the root of the problem. Hamas. His brilliant leadership solved the Israeli-Palestinian problem in seconds. It followed Bolton's and Cheney's gameplan. His ability to ignore facts, the Israeli people, the Israelis that were killed, and focus on what Cheney told him to say did wonders for democracy. Yeah, the dead will have to wait until someone shows up that actually cares about them. But this is American democracy after all, and it isn't about who killed who, but how can we use their deaths to further our policical cause. (for background, see 9/11).
I am just happy as hell at the depth of democracy today, and just how much is it used to support the average citizen.
A Democratic gets caught red-handed with $90,000 in bribes and the Republicans run to the rescue.
How dare the FBI investigate Congress's hallowed halls? Our elected officials are above reproach! They don't take bribes! They don't drive America into the ground and into massive debts. They didn't laze about while the president sent us to war on false pretense. How dare anyone question our great leaders!
Now shut up! I have to stand and applaud this guy who promises to do something or other in Israel who I must applaud because applauding him makes me look good on camera. And I'll get a $10,000 check!
MickT picks nose, scratches butt. Pukes.
And everyone seems to think this is normal.
In real news, American Idol had a vote today...