So where do I sign the petition for the Keillor Amendment (below the fold)? I hadn't realized only evilvangelicals "listen to God".
Of Theocrats and Theophobes: Carter's Law of Political Rhetoric
After hearing that the May issue of Harper's Magazine includes a series of articles on "The Christian Right's War On America", I realized it was time to introduce an observation, similar to Godwin's Law, on a recurrent theme in political debate. Such a clear pattern of rhetorical hyperbole has led me to codify Carter's Law of Political Rhetoric:
As the number of religious conservatives expressing an opinion on a moral or political issue increases, the probability that someone on the political left will invoke the term "theocracy" approaches one.
...The enthusiastic applause that followed Garrison Keillor's plan to "pass a constitutional amendment to take the right to vote away from born-again Christians" is a shocking reminder of the bias against religiously orthodox Americans.
Apparantly, everyone has a right to be heard - until they start listening to God.