Whoa. I just watched the Daily Show. Correspondent Bob Wilfong did a piece on the DNC chair selection. I'm kinda pissed. At first, it was funny; they were poking fun at the candidates. They took advantage of several candidates in moments I'm sure the candidates did not anticipate airing. They made David Leland look desperate, showed Donnie Fowler stutter during an introduction. Wilfong, as he walked by Al Sharpton, turned to Al and said, "Sorry man, I don't have any change."
The worst part, for me, was at the end of the piece. Wilfong says this, while the camera focuses on Howard Dean:
And in the end, the Democrats did pick someone who was good at what they do, and that's losing.
You could hear the groans in the audience as Stewart broke for the commercial.
Bob, that wasn't funny.