in this day and age, I can walk up to any ATM machine on any corner in the world, put a piece of plastic in, punch in a number, and this machine knows not only which bank I use, but also - to the penny - how much money I have in my account. Before the card is spit back out, my bank knows how much I withdrew. Then it will print out a receipt accounting and documenting every detail of the transaction. And you're going to tell me that every bank and credit card company in the world has this technology, but not the U.S. government. Bullshit!
As an American citizen who has the legal right to vote, I should be able to walk up to any post office in the country, go over to the election machine, put in my voter ID card, choose my language, punch in my social security number, vote for my candidate, and get a printed receipt. And have no doubt whatsoever that my vote was counted accurately. This should have been done in 2000 after Florida. Ohio 2004 should never have been an issue. If our government can find the billions of dollars it takes to make sure freedom is on the march abroad, they can certainly find the money to make sure freedom is ensured here at home. Why don't they ask the banks and credit card companies for the money? They obviously have the technology and are using it effectively, not to mention profitably. They're also about to get a big boost in profits off of the misery of the poor and middle class when the Bankruptcy Act passes. I think the least they can do is pay back to the taxpayers some of the corporate welfare they buy with their party contribution dollars.