Daniel Gross writes a slick oil company apologist article today in Slate. His thesis? Oil companies are not building greater gasoline refining capacity because of NIMBY in coastal communities.
Here's the link to Gross's grossout:
It took me two seconds and a little curiousity to prove this is bullshit. Here's a link to information proving he's full of aforementioned animal excrement:
SANTA MONICA, Calif., April 6 U.S. Newswire -- The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights today released internal Shell documents showing the oil refiner is set to close and demolish its Bakersfield refinery despite the fact the site had the biggest refinery margins, or profits per gallon, of any Shell refinery in the nation as of yesterday.
If you've ever been to Bakersfield, you know that it's not a coastal community with a large NIMBY effect. In fact, it sits in a desert area and is renowned for it's conservative, pro-oil bias.
Bottom line. These bottom-dwelling dinosaur oil corporations are grasping to gain every advantage. They want to continue total price control in the face of the knowledge that their days are numbered.
And.....they have a friend in the White House (not to mention Sacramento).