I'll start with mea culpas if this has been diaried or commented on, but I don't believe I've seen this mentioned yet:
Prosecutor in Leak Case Is Exploring Range of Crimes
The prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case is exploring a range of possible crimes, lawyers in the case say, suggesting that the investigation has moved well beyond its initial focus on whether anyone in the Bush administration illegally disclosed the identity of a C.I.A. operative.
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He [Fitz] has asked to meet on Tuesday with Judith Miller...
The meeting is expected to focus on newly discovered notes compiled by Ms. Miller that refer to a conversation she had with Mr. Libby on June 25, 2003, according to a lawyer in the case who did not want to be named because Mr. Fitzgerald has cautioned against discussing the case. Until now, the only conversations known to have occurred between Ms. Miller and Mr. Libby were on July 8 and 12, 2003.
The notes refer to Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador to Gabon. ...
As he approaches the end of his 22-month inquiry, Mr. Fitzgerald appears to be exploring novel approaches to possible charges in the case.
One legal theory the prosecutor has pursued, the lawyers said, is whether anyone violated a broadly worded federal statute that makes it a crime to "communicate" classified defense information to someone not authorized to receive it.
Under the law, any government official or private citizen who transferred classified information could potentially be charged with a felony.
There's more here.
Obviously I can't get enough NEW news and I'm sure most of you can't either, so I'm putting this out there with no interpretation or dissection on my part, but as a way to keep our incessant obsession in overdrive! lol
Update [2005-10-8 13:53:54 by Terre]: There is a new
Reuter's story diaried by
"Fitzgerald Pushed Scooter Libby for Miller testimony OK"