1. An Inconvenient Truth/Grassroots Effort for Gore
Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth opens on Friday, June 2 at theatres including Lowes 14 in Georgetown and the E Street Cinema as well as suburban locations. is seeking volunteers to do tabling at early showings of the former Veep's new movie about global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth". For more info go to and click the tab for "An Inconvenient Truth." To volunteer contact is a grassroots organization. This site and its PAC "The People, Not The Powerful 08" are not affiliated with or authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
2. Meet Jim Webb/Vote June 13
Prior to the Virginia Democratic Primary on June 13 (ALL registered voters can vote in the primary, there is no party registration in Virginia) there will be numerous events for Jim "George Allen's Worst Nightmare" Webb ranging from small coffees, picnics, forums, rallies, Democratic dinners and, of course, fundraisers. Most of Jim's Northern Virginia events are on June 4, 5, 6, 7th and 9th. For info on Webb and upcoming events go to Of special note is his appearance at the Alexandria Democratic Committee meeting on June 5, 7:15 pm at MacArthur School, 1101 Janneys Lane in Alexandria. ALSO, a very special fundraising cocktail reception hosted by Americans for Strong National Security and Courtney Banks on Thursday, June 8, 6;30 - 8:00 pm, 2838 27th St. in Washington, DC. Suggested donation is $250 & up. For more info go to and RSVP to aschiff@webbforsenate.cvom or call 703-778-4080.
3. June 1 Town Hall Meeting With Mayor Martin O'Malley & Rep. Anthony Brown
Please come to share your concerns and ideas for how to better manage growth in Maryland, Thursday, June 1, 7:00 PM, BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Dr., Germantown, MD 20874.
4. DC for Democracy Meetup, Wed., June 7
DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton will be on hand to discuss her recently introduced bi-partisan legislation to give DC representation in the House. Virginia Congressman Tom Davis has worked closely with Ms. Norton to craft the bill and the proposal has passed his Government Reform Committee. But where is the proposal headed next? Supports say the stars have aligned to deliver voting representation to DC. Detractors say it doesn't go far enough and sells full representation short. Hear straight from Ms. Norton about how far she thinks the bill can go in the House and how you can help make voting rights a reality.
DC for Democracy MeetUps are held the first Wednesday of every month at Ben's Chili Bowl, 1213 U Street, NW - Wednesday, June 7th, 7:00 pm. To RSVP click:
5. Support ActBlue, Meet Gov. Mark Warner
Launched in June 2004, ActBlue created and deployed the next
generation of online fundraising technology, and has raised
$4.7 million for Democratic candidates and committees in 22 months.
Our PAC enables anyone - individuals, local groups, and national
organizations - to use the online bundling methods of EMILY's List and
MoveOn to fundraise for the Democratic candidates of their choice.
Previously, only the most well-funded and technologically-savvy groups
have employed these powerful fundraising methods. But with ActBlue,
groups and individuals need only choose their candidates and make
their solicitations.
By providing all the technical, financial, and compliance systems,
ActBlue enables every progressive organization and individual to make
the most of their networks - rapidly raising otherwise untapped
millions for Democrats in the closest races.
A reception in support of ActBlue Featuring Keynote Speaker and Special Guest GOVERNOR MARK WARNER, Thursday, June 15th, 2006, 6:00pm-8:00pm, At the Home of, John Weinfurter, 209 C Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Suggested Contribution (give or raise), Host Committee: $1,000 Guest: $250 RSVP at or contact Meghan Gaffney
6. Mark Warner Meetup June 13
Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 PM, The Front Page, 4201 Wilson Blvd at Stuart St, across from the Ballston Mall, Arlington, VA , 703.248.9990 Meet other Mark Warner supporters! For more info go to and search Mark Warner. All Meetups are free.
7. June 1, "Lollapolooza" Fundraiser for Adrian Fenty
Lollapalooza can't be explained - it can only be experienced.
The events are large - lines of supporters snake outside the
house to get in to sip wine or a cocktail proffered by these
three "mixologists". The Lightfoots don't just sponsor an
event, they throw a huge party. The Candidate will make a
rousing speech. Supporters will roar with delight! The band
will strike up: "Ain't No Stoppin" Him now" Contributions will
fill the Fenty Campaign coffers. It will just be fantastic.
Don't miss one minute of this exciting fundraising event on
Thursday, June 1, 2006, 1609 Kalmia Road NW, from 7:00 - 9:00
pm. It's going to be a Lollapalooza! Suggested Contributions:
$35 -$2,000. For more information:
8. June 7 DNC Women's Leadership Forum with Author Barbara Ehrenreich
June 7: "A Forum on Economic Justice,"with Barbara Ehrenreich, California Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis and Naomi Walker, Director, AFL-CIO State Legislative Programs. Barbara is an essayist, social critic, journalist and well-known as the best-selling author of Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch. Location: The Wasserman Room, Democratic Party National Headquarters, 430 South Capitol Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20003. Cost: WLF Current Member Admission Price: No charge (UPDATED) WLF New Membership Admission Price: $125 (Current WLF members have given $125 since June 2005.) For more information or to RSVP please contact Julie Ide at 202.863.8023 or
9. Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, June 6, Meetup
We'll Discuss Candidate endorsements and Getting Active
If you haven't paid dues for 2006 yet, please bring $15 for the year or pay online here:
7:30 PM Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Sabang Restaurant
2504 Ennalls Avenue
Wheaton, MD 20902
10. June 8 - 15, Faith in Action for Katrina Victims in New
Catholic Charities is leading a trip for all people of faith and good will to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina, June 8 to June 15. Approximate cost $340 per volunteer including airfare from BWI to New Orleans, all meals and accommodations. Volunteers will work hard but there will be plenty of time for fun, faith and the best food and music in the world. To RSVP and for more information contact David Jones,
11. "KEEPING MARYLAND BLUE" ORGANIZING TRAINING -- 10.June, 2006. 10:30 a.m., to 3:00 p.m., Martin's West, 6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, Maryland
We need the strongest possible campaign organization trained and ready by the 12.September primary so we can help our DEMOCRATIC nominees win on 7.November. Join us at "Keeping Maryland Blue". You'll hear all about our pre-Primary Election goals, the progress we've made so far, and the efforts we are making to contact voters we know we need to turnout to support the DEMOCRATIC ticket in November. Keeping Maryland Blue" will also include presentations on recent national DEMOCRATIC polling and a briefing on Maryland's new election laws.
Space is limited so make sure to sign up for "Keeping Maryland Blue" today. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE IN "KEEPING MARYLAND BLUE". RSVP by sending an email to For more information, call the Maryland DEMOCRATIC Party Headquarters: (410) 269-8818 or (301) 858-8818.
12. Drinking Liberally is EVERY Wednesday AND Thursday in DC!
Drinking Liberally is always free, always interesting & always
fun. Drinking Liberally meets every Wednesday night starting at about 6:30 at Mark &
Orlando's, 2020 P St., NW and every Thursday at Timberlakes
starting about 6:30, 1726 Connecticut Ave., NW, both just steps
from the north exit of the Dupont Circle Metro Station. For
more info go to There are several interesting speakers lined up.
13. Unsubscribing
If you received this from an America Online or Trellon address
contact Howard Park to Unsubscribe, or
If you receive this from a server it means that you
currently are a member of the Washington Democratic Party
Meetup Group, DC Pragmatic Progressives (formerly Kerry for
President) or the Washington Wesley Clark Meetup Group. To
unsubscribe you must end your membership.
14. Want us to publish your notice? Please send me (Howard
Park the information as far ahead of time as
possible. This newsletter is a volunteer enterprise and is
published on an irregular basis. We are not able to publicize
events on short notice