Okay, she didn't say that
exactly, but
what she did say yesterday amounts to the same thing.
"But the Syrians -- given their position in Lebanon, given their interference in Lebanese affairs, given the fact that their forces are there, given the terrorists that operate in southern Lebanon with Syrian forces in close proximity to them -- does put on the Syrians a special responsibility for the kind of destablization there."
Now try it this way:
But the [Americans] -- given their position in [Iraq], given their interference in [Iraqi] affairs, given the fact that their forces are there, given the terrorists that operating in [Iraq] with [American] forces in close proximity to them -- does put on the [Americans] a special responsibility for the kind of destabilization there.
The Syrian Ambassador Imad Moustapha noted the irony.
Moustapha dismissed the argument that Syrian troops could have stopped Hariri's assassination by a massive bomb in downtown Beirut.
"Our troops are not in any major Lebanese city," he said. "Definitely not in Beirut. They have been out of Beirut for at least two years.
"You have 150,000 troops in Iraq and you can't stop acts of terrorism. We have 13,000 troops (in Lebanon)."
Moustapha said that if Lebanon's government -- either the current one or the new one it will elect in May -- asks Syrian forces to leave, "we will leave immediately. We will not blink an eye."
Will Condi make a promise to withdraw all troops from Iraq if the democratically elected Shia government asks the US troops to leave?
Was Porter Goss accepting responsibility yesterday for creating new terrorists in Iraq aiming to attack the United States?