Yesterday, I had an in-depth conversation with several officals involved with a senior citizen program in a certain Midwestern state which, for complicated reasons, must remain unidentified.
One of the topics we discussed was a federal program that channels grant money through states that gives senior citizens vouchers to buy locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers' markets. In that state, 100 percent of the grant money passes through to the seniors; the agency pays for administration of the program with its state appropriation.
This program is directed to the poorest of the poor among the elderly -- people who are already receiving year-round food assistance, primarily in the form of surplus commodities and non-perishable foods donated to pantry programs. For many of these seniors, this summer program provides the only fresh fruits and vegetables they ever get.
It's a great deal for the seniors, and for local farmers. The rules of the program state that the vouchers cannot be used for processed food or for anything that isn't locally grown -- that's why it only runs from May through September.
So what's the problem? While we are cutting taxes for the richest in our society; while we are waging an unnecessary war that generates millions in profits for Halliburton; the Bush Administration CUT FUNDING FOR THIS PROGRAM BY 10 PERCENT.
I know, I know -- the list of evil deeds by these greedy, heartless bastards is so long. What are a few hungry seniors and screwed-over farmers when 1,700 brave Americans and tens of thousdands of innocent Iraqis are dead? When the icecaps are melting and the ozone layer is withering?
But this one hit home in a personal way. Seeing the sad eyes and helpless shrugs of people who want to help, who have a program that works, with no waste, that really makes a difference in the eyes of people with desperate needs, who know they can do more and are told they have to do less -- that hurt. And it makes me very, very angry.
How can they justify decisions like this?