Below the fold, for those of you who don't have the stomach for the best our conservative friends have to offer.
Thank you for helping to distroy America.
Together, with Obama, you are leading us to a Marxist nation! Actung! We are now proud!
Long live Hitler!
Who knew Hitler was a Marxist? Still, this guy apparently didn't get the message that conservatives should be OUTRAGED (!) that the Department of Homeland Security issued a report on the potential threat from neo-Nazis. So someone please educate him that according to the Hannity/Beck/Limbaugh/Gingrich playbook, Marxist=bad! Nazis=LEAVE THEM ALOOOOONE.
I hate you stupid assholes for putting a stupid f---ing in the white house.I hope someone gets that bastard.You web site is nothing but lying trash.I hope all of you go to hell.
A "stupid fucking in the white house"? I don't get it. And I'm trying to work out this guy's morality -- it's okay to hope for the assassination of the president, but spelling out a swear word? That's a line he just can't cross. (Update: people in the comments have decyphered the mystery insult: he probably meant to write "stupid f---ing n----r" but decided at the last minute to edit out his racism. I call that "progress"!)
How off can you be...many of these so called-"articles"seem like they are written by high school kids.
Your political views are so far from reality, you must be a long haired hippie, protesting everthing rational under the sun.
Just like Hussein Obama, you should quit...stop ruining our country with apologetic bullshit and world love crap. The same people oboba is trying to love, would cut off his hand if given a chance.
Grow up and smell the roses.
Just watch what stuart smally will do to wisconsin!
The only people I see "protesting everything rational under the sun" these days is the conservative teabaggers. Where's this guy been? And what the heck is "stuart smally"? ... Oh, he's talking about "Stuart Smalley", an Al Franken SNL character.
Wisconsin ... Minnesota ... who can tell them apart?
Mark Moulitsas is a spineless pansy who wears pink women's underwear!!!
Oh, get it? I'm gay! And that's bad! But really, projecting your own suppressed sexuality doesn't make for the best insult. This guy is much better:
Just remember: You'll be paying first for bringing America to catastrophe. What a low life mother-fucker you are, and nobody among you, fucking libs, has a honor to see PEOPLE behind the "human material", as you see us. I'm sure you don't believe in God, or Satan, however most of the PEOPLE, who didn't vote for Lord Obama, it's half of the US, pray that you drop dead and not just you, but all your seeds, that you brought to this life. You think, it can't happened? Karma is the tricky thing. You're disgusting living thing. And from me personally: Fuck you, and your loved ones!!! God bless America I know !!!
Half of America is praying that I and my children drop dead! Well, half of America minus one:
I am sorry you have so much hate and anger in your life.
I will pray for you. God Bless you and America!
Yeah, I like this guy better. He apologized! But here's the hate mail of the week, which I'll let speak hilariously for itself:
After taking a quick look at this blog I have reached several conclusions:
/1. You hate 99% of the American public, which is conservative NOT
nazi. Please understand the difference in worldview!
/2. Most of what you (all) write is outside of the bounds of reality,
so much so that I honestly wonder where you guys (and gals) are taking
your marching orders from: The Communist Internationale maybe?
/3. And lastly, a warning: If ANY of you Leftist wingbats EVER post an
anti-government comment, we will make sure that the FBI, the DHS and
other agencies that keep an eye on evil extremists like yourselves
will "pull the plug" on your online hate-fest.
The Lord Rebuke You! Get a clue, grow a brain and get a life!
The Lord Rebuke You!