To blame what happened in the Big Easy on these factors sounds great, but it is not the truth. I think people everywhere would have reacted the same way. Lets hope we are not put to the test.
In New York City. The US Government had the city up and running in 5 days. Rescue workers were searching the rubble while flames were still burning white hot. There was Gulianni a PRESENCE OF US LEADERSHIP in the middle of the disaster giving hands on help. Aid was rushed in from around the country and the world within hours.
This did not happen in New Orleans. Everything happened in SLOW MOTION.
The Hurricane sweeping in from the Gulf growing in size and strength. The disaster happened in slow motion, starting Monday morning with land fall and continuing on Tuesday morning with the Levees bursting from Mississippi Run off to People drowning in their homes Tuesday and Wednesday. The Relief effort also happened in slow motion and unlike NYC where relief had the power back on with generators outside of office buildings and communication trailers supplying a connection with the outside world, comfort stations for the rescuers, New Orleans 5 days later had people dying from lack of water and Food.
The People of New Orleans listened to the people in charge. Those who could evacuate did. those who could not were told to go to certain locations as a refuge of LAST RESORT. So many stayed in their homes. Their was no violence on Monday, just people helping each other just like in NYC. There was no violence on Tuesday just heroic images of rescuers saving people trapped in their homes, trees and roof tops. The violence did not begin until the realization that the Government was no longer present. There was no power, no communication, no food, no water, no authority, no rescue. Only fear panic and desperation. This is when those who are weak of moral character rise up to fill the vacuum of power. They seize the moment and that advantage of it for self gratification.
Yes, there was looting, however there were two sides of the looting. No looting began until Wednesday morning 2 days after landfall. People needed water, food, medication and clothing. No help was coming so people did what they had to do. They broke into stores to get supplies. Those who were weak with moral character saw it as an opportunity to seize the moment for themselves.
There are two sides of human nature the good side and the bad side. We like to believe the good side always wins out, and for the first 48 hours in New Orleans it did. However good has a hard time winning against evil when evil carries a gun and there is no one to challenge it.
There were many around the Country who looked at the looting and seized on it to apply suave to their wounds of guilt. No longer did they need to question why the sick elderly and the poor were without help, they could point to the looters and lump all into this. It was easier to say the looters were just animals getting what they deserve than to have to question why New Borns, the sick and the elderly AMERICANS were dying while America watched and did nothing of consequence to help.
Many articles pointing blame to poverty, culture, welfare, religion and even race are just one more way to apply salve for our collective wound of guilt.
What happened in New Orleans should not have happened, but it did and we as Americans need to own up to it.