Last night, Stephen Colbert took a look at how the teabaggers keep saying they want to "take back our country". From what or whom, exactly? Stephen does a great job in exposing the racism of the teabaggers with satire, by pretending they couldn't possibly be racist, and showing otherwise.
Here's the graphic of all those racist Tea Party signs Stephen's team was able to gather "in 15 seconds".
Yes, Virginia, it really is about race.
The videos, including Jon Stewart's takedown of Bernie Goldberg, below the fold.
So for all your conservative friends who say the Tea Party isn't about race, ask them how many instances do they need of this racist shit before they'll become convinced.
As to Ann Coulter and the rest of the right-wing's defense that you can't prove the n-word was said to black lawmakers because it wasn't caught on tape? Stephen debunks that effortlessly.
No tape! And racists always tape their racial slurs. You don't want to forget baby's first n-word.
And it's great to see Tim Meadows back as his black Republican character P.K. Winsome. :-)
Jon Stewart was also on fire last night, hitting back at fuckwad Bernie Goldberg for specifically attacking Jon on Bill O'Reilly's show on Monday.
From Jon's opening with this gem...
I know that I criticize you and Fox News a lot, but only because you're truly a terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization.
he doesn't let up on Bernie and Fox News for their duplicity one bit.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, you should know by now you do NOT want to attack Jon Stewart. You cannot win that battle. Jon's final closing statement is worthy enough I've transcribed it here.
Bernie Goldberg, I don't need to satisfy your version of what fair satire is, or should be. I'm not fair; I'm not balanced. (He's unstable.) That's not what I meant. (He's coco loco.) Thank you. You're criticizing me for not living up to your tagline! Oh Lord! And you dismiss any criticism as further evidence of how the rest of the media persecute you. You like to pretend, Bernie Goldberg and Fox News, that the relentless conservative activism of Fox News is the equivalent of the disorganized liberal influence you find at NBC, ABC, and CBS. But Fox News, you may be able to detect a liberal pathogen in their bloodstream, however faint. But Fox News is such a crazy overreaction to that perceived threat, you're like an autoimmune disorder. I'm not saying the virus doesn't exist in some small quantity, but you're producing way too many antibodies. Fox News, you're the lupus of news.
So I guess what I am saying is this. As long as "fair and balanced" is how you sell yourselves, GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
Hear, hear, Jon.