It takes a lot to be too wingnutty even for the likes of Free Republic. But it looks like Pat Robertson may have crossed that line with his disgusting comments about Haiti making a "pact with the devil."
I moseyed over to Freeperville expecting to see them agreeing with Brother Marion Gordon. Boy, was I surprised. While there were a few pretty juvenile comments, most of the ones I've seen so far were outraged with him.
For instance, at one thread, one poster may have captured just how bass-ackwards Regent University really is.
PR Needs to shut his trap - hardly helpful at this time - he has a very chushy set-up in Va Bch and shouldn’t condemn the victims in Haiti for the short comings of their govt - I went to Regent U in the ed prog, was called a "racist" for debunking ebonics and NOONE at Reg Uni defended me...posers ALL!
Wow. So some Freepers actually know what decency really means. And I was starting to think this country was becoming so partisan we couldn't unite with one voice whenever someone like Robertson spews bile like this.
Most of the other commenters were outraged at Robertson as well. Some more samples:
Oh boy. Does the guy have some kind of defect?
STFU, Pat!
Pat Robertson is a dooooooosh.
Other true people of faith need to kick this guy’s butt off of TV and out of "acceptable" Christian leadership circles.
I’m starting to think Pat Robertson and Fred Phelps are on the same payroll.
I do not care what his followers say, that man is NOT a Christian.
I’m pretty sure Pat has been suffering from dementia for years.
I was saved a long time ago. I am as Christian as I am Conservative and I know this, God had nothing to do with what happened in Haiti. I tremble at the day that people like Pat Robertson ever find themselves in power for they would pervert the word of God and be no better than living under the Taliban. Two things resonate loudly through the New Testament. Men like Robertson harp on one thing to the expense of the other. They proclaim the message of Jesus Christ but they also fail to mention free will. No one has to be Christian enough to suit Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson has no right to demand that anyone be Christian enough to suit him. One’s relationship with Christ is a personal one and no business of Pat Robertson’s or anyone else’s.
So even the little children who got slowly crushed under the debris must have made a pact with the devil.....and some wonder why the world hates televangelists.
Here’s hoping Pat Robertson dies soon before he makes Christians look any worse.
We've all known for some time that Robertson has increasingly become a ghost from the past. But when you're starting to lose the Freepers, you know you've cratered.