Here's why I'm opting in on the Dean federal match: Dean stops spamming me for money. My inbox? Cleans up like woah.
Okay, so not really. In truth, I remember the Dean blog back before the bat, and during, and the match was a GOOD thing, I sort of want to see consistency. Besides, he needs 18 mil more without the match. That's a lot. Unless it's a done deal that he'll make at least double that, it's probably not worth it to opt out.
But I can't help feeling this affected my decision. Other "positives" weighing in on parts of my mind:
You know that cheap-ass campaign Dean was supposed to be able to run? Yeah, that one that was talked about months ago. Now he might try. Lean and mean, you know? Even if he's not ALL that lean. Meetups will still run. Grassroots is supposed to save the campaign from bleeding money.
Hey, not like my vote nay will matter, given the reaction.
Any other whimsical or superficial reasons for anyone else? Remember, this is for fun, not judging (judge me, if you want).