This is unexpected:
SurveyUSA for KWCH-TV in Wichita. 8/9-11. Likely voters. MoE 4.1% (No trend lines)
Mike Pompeo (R) 49
Raj Goyle (D) 42
Pompeo is strong among men and younger voters. Goyle is strong among older voters. 1 in 5 Republicans cross over to vote Democrat; 1 in 17 Democrats cross over to vote Republican. Independents split. More affluent voters back Pompeo. Less affluent voters back Goyle. Gun owners back Pompeo. Pro-choice voters back Goyle.
Why is this noteworthy?
This is an R+14 district. There's no way this race should be competitive, in this climate.
I decided to look into Pompeo, and quickly found this:
Wednesday afternoon a [Mike Pompeo campaign] staffer used Twitter to post a link to a blog. That blog, said to be written by Gunnery Sergeant Bob Pinkstaff USMC retired, questions candidate Raj Goyle’s religious beliefs.
Here is an excerpt from the blog as written:
“Just like his evil muslim communist USURPER comrad, barack hussein obama, This goyle character is just another "turban topper" we don't need in congress or any political office that deals with the U.S. Constitution, Christianity and the United States of America!!!”
The Twitter posting was removed in less than an hour, but the Goyle campaign saw it and is responding.
Par for the course.