(From NorthDecoder.com...)
ALEC -- the American Legislative Exchange Council -- lied on its 2009 tax return. (Its 2009 return just became readily available to the public a few weeks ago.) Check out the tax return and other evidence after the jump...
Here's the full 990 tax return...
Question #4 on page 3 of the tax return asks this: "Did the organization engage in lobbying activities?"
ALEC's answer?
So... if ALEC did not lobby at all in 2009, can somebody -- ANYBODY? -- explain the front page of ALEC's written testimony "in support of house bill 1384" before a committee of the North Dakota legislature in January of 2009? Here's that written testimony... (Click here)
Isn't that -- by definition -- "lobbying"?!? Isn't advocating for passage of legislation before a committee of legislators considering that legislation, by definition, "lobbying"?!?
In case that isn't clear enough, ALEC's two lobbyists even registered with the North Dakota Secretary of State's Office as a lobbyist for ALEC. That kind of makes it hard to claim ALEC didn't lobby in 2009.
If it's okay for ALEC to lie on its tax return, is it okay for me to lie on mine, too?
Too bad Democrats don't control the Executive Branch, which includes the Justice Department and/or the Internal Revenue Service right now. If they did, they might go after ALEC for tax fraud and take its tax-exempt, non-profit status away.
Oh wait!!! Democrats DO control the executive branch, which includes the Justice Department and the IRS!!!
What gives?