Check out the show of hands when Frank Luntz asks his focus group whether they support Herman Cain after seeing in him in the debate:
Only one of them said they supported him before the debate; after the debate, more than half did.
Update: Hannity immediately segues from the focus group to a replay of Tim Pawlenty's greatest hits. "All eyes" were on Pawlenty, Hannity said. And Pawlenty was his first candidate. Given how much a GOP tool Hannity is, it's no surprise that Pawlenty is the guy he's trying to push.
Update: Pawlenty was so stupid to do this debate.
@MattOrtega: Tim Pawlenty: the man who get his clock cleaned by Herman Cain at the JV presidential debates.
The fool thought he'd get a moment in the sun by himself. Turns out, Herman Clain trumped him, bigtime.
Update: Video of the focus group.