All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.
George Orwell
All across our nation people are waking up to the brutal fact of outright fascism in America. It's nothing new to those who have been paying careful attention, but it's no doubt a shock to many.
I posted a video recently that featured shots of Hillary Clinton and President Obama speaking out forcefully in support of protesters' Egypt, juxtaposed with shots of out-of-control police violence being waged on Occupy protesters here in the US. And here there is silence. The hypocrisy is stunning.
For those who'd care to see it, here it is again:
“Hypocrisy has its own elegant symmetry.”
Our 'leaders', who have betrayed us all are poised to commit the ultimate betrayal, the final selling out of democracy and the American people.
The Senate has voted to declare the US and all of the world a combat zone and to empower the government to imprison American citizens without charge indefinitely, and to designate anyone considered 'hostile to the interests of the US' as enemy combatants. So will we soon see Occupy activists or Kossacks sent to Guantanamo to be tortured and held without charge? Will they be rounding up liberals and putting them in a pen? Will they just start shooting anyone who objects?
Even if President Obama vetoes this blatantly fascist bill, how far to the right is that going to shove the Overton Window? Will we be told to 'sit down and STFU! Look what almost just happened to you!' Will we be persuaded to accept the man-behind-the-curtains fascism in preference to the bare naked variety?
We already have cops in the street beating our children. It's as though we had learned nothing in the last forty years. Please explain to the families of those killed at Kent State in 1970 why we are allowing this to happen. Where is the President calling out for the rights of the American protesters? Where are the demands to cease and desist this horrible violence against the best and brightest of our youth?
Cops in the street beating our children.
They were nowhere to be found when phony leaders were lying us into war. There were no cops or legal authorities anywhere around when innocent people were being systematically tortured by illegitimate and corrupt officials at the head of our government. No cops to stop election theft. No cops to stop rich assholes from buying up our government. No cops to stop Wall Street from looting the world economy. No cops guarding the Treasury.
No. To see any cops in action you need to get some innocent young kids out in the street peacefully and constitutionally (and so very rightly) protesting the wrongdoing at the highest levels of our government and society. You'll see a million of them then. Bristling with kevlar armor and riot gear. They'll deploy with rubber bullets, tanks, pepper spray and LRADs if they get a whiff of civil disobedience on the part of the peasantry.
Yes, nothing scares our corrupt and decadent 'leaders' like a simple demand for mere justice coming from the unwashed masses.
To the police: lay off the kids you shameless bastards. It takes a mighty and noble warrior to savagely pound on unarmed college kids. Where do you assholes get the fucking nerve? The ones giving you your orders are your enemy as surely as they are mine. You're working for the wrong side. You need to join us and get on the right side of history. And you will...sooner or later.
The problem with Occupy Wall Street is that they just don't have a clear message...or so the ignorati are prone to muse. Just mad about being the natural born losers that they are, they oft opine. They would do well to get a bath and then a job says that apex creature of the ignorati glitterati, Newt Gingrich. Oh Newt, no matter how hard we scrub we'll never be as clean as you (ewww).
Newt of course is a paid liar and corporate prostitute willing to do or say anything for a buck. He sheds wives like a snake sheds its skin, and keeps a rolling diamond account at Tiffany's because that's the only way he can get laid. And he's such a horny old toad that he fucks our country every chance he gets.
Anyone who says that the occupy movement doesn't have a clear message is either a fool or a liar – and quite possibly both.
Here's the message in four simple sentences (there are of course many ways of putting it): The emperor has no clothes. He and his kind stand naked against the winds of change. We're wise to you thieving assholes. All your lies are belong to us.
"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force."
George Orwell
We want a real democracy. Not some fake, dumbed-down pretend democracy lorded over by robber barons and banksta-gangstas like the one we've all come to know and loathe. We want to be told the truth – by politicians, generals, bankers and journalists alike. No more lying with impunity, no more hiding behind State Secrets, no more living in a state of denial, no more bullshit as standard operating procedure. We want a genuine democracy that is open, honest, accessible and flooded with sunlight 24/7/365.
We want the United States of America promised to us in her founding documents. And we all know what that means – revolution. Let there be revolution - powerful, peaceful, people-centered evolution-revolution. Let the only violence be on their side. That way we will win. Let them have their violence, we can't stop them anyway. But it will only get them so far. Peace and love are the superior weapons.
It's possible to do it all differently, to live with dignity and integrity and to do the right things because they are the right things to do. We can respect nature and science, mind our planet and look out for the least of these our brothers and sisters. It doesn't have to be all about profiteering and looting, or beating out the other guy, or dropping bombs on people and taking their shit. We can live together with mutual regard and concern. We can share. We can take care of each other. We can help each other. We can live ethical lives in every respect and rescue our planet in the process. We can crawl out from under the shame and denial demanded of us by the present order. We can stop the killing, the looting and the madness. We can choose to love each other over hating and fearing each other. We can live lives that are just, peaceful and good. We can learn to cooperate and to tread lightly on the earth. Not only can we do these things - we must do these things.
Break the cycle of violence.
Remain beautiful.
All you need is love.
Occupy the universe.
"When I feed the hungry, they call me a saint. When I ask why people are hungry, they call me a Communist."
Dom Helder Camara, Brazilian archbishop