People are pointing at Buzzfeed, but others who may have been annoyed by the endorsement of Romney by John Mccain are under suspicion.
Whoever leaked the Romney dossier wants him damaged.
Just for a taster - Mitt Romney was on the board of a company fined $119 million for Medicare Fraud – at the time, the largest criminal fine for Health Care Fraud in US history. He still walked away with a $470k personal profit from that corrupt company.
Romney Sat On Board Of Damon Clinical Laboratories, A Bain Capital Portfolio Company Fined Nearly $120 Million In 1996 Due To Medicare Fraud.
“A Needham clinical laboratory agreed yesterday to pay $119million in criminal and civil fines after pleading guilty to charges that it defrauded the nation’s Medicare system byseeking reimbursements on millions of dollars worth of unnecessary blood tests. … Damon Clinical LaboratoriesInc. admitted it tried to boost its profits by submitting the unnecessary tests. The company, the government said,misled doctors into ordering the tests, ensuring that they would be covered by Medicare, the federal health careprogram for the elderly.”
(Kimberly Blanton, “Needham Lab Fined $ 119m For Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/10/96)
At The Time, Largest Criminal Fine In Massachusetts History:
“The settlement … would mark the largestcriminal fine ever levied in Massachusetts.”
(Kimberly Blanton, “Needham Lab Fined $ 119m For Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
At The Time, Largest Health Care Fraud Criminal Fine In History:
“The $35.3 million criminal fine in theDamon case, one piece of the $119 million total settlement, is the largest ever recovered in a health carefraud case.”
(Kimberly Blanton, “Needham Lab Fined $ 119m For Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/10/96)
Romney Was On Damon’s Board Of Directors While The Fraud Took Place – He Initially Claimed He WasUnaware Of Any Criminal Investigation.
“Mitt Romney, former Republican challenger to US Sen. Edward M.Kennedy, who was a member of Damon’s board, said he was unaware of any investigation. … Romney said that[Damon’s then-CEO Robert] Rosen told the board in about 1992 ‘that all current practices at the company werenow in conformity with government regulations and that in the past there may have been practices which wouldnot be deemed appropriate.’”
(Kimberly Blanton, “Needham Lab Fined $ 119m For Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/10/96)
“Made Large Profits … From A Criminal Scheme To Fraudulently Bill The Federal Medicare System…”
“[Romney] and his venture capital firm made large profits from the 1993 sale of a Needham medical testingcompany whose robust revenues were generated in part from a criminal scheme to fraudulently bill thefederal Medicare system for unnecessary blood tests.”
(Frank Phillips, “Romney Profited On Firm Later Tied To Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/10/02)
“Pure And Simple … Corporate Greed Run Amok.”
“Damon Corp. pleaded guilty in 1996 to a federalconspiracy charge of defrauding the government of $25 million between 1988 and 1993. It paid a record $119million fine and penalty for a scheme that then-US Attorney Donald Stern labeled ‘a case, pure and simple, ofcorporate greed run amok.’”
(Frank Phillips, “Romney Profited On Firm Later Tied To Fraud,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/10/02)
1993: Immediately Following Acquisition By Corning, Damon Closed Plant In Needham Heights, Laid Off115 Massachusetts Workers.
“Republican businessman Mitt Romney … helped direct a Massachusetts medicaldiagnostics company toward a merger that resulted in the permanent closure of a Needham Heights plant andlayoffs of about 115 Massachusetts workers. Damon Corp. was headquartered in Massachusetts for more than30 years until it was purchased by Corning Inc. in 1993 and the Needham facility was closed. … The day after themerger with Corning was completed, the new company notified the Massachusetts Department of Employmentand Training that it was permanently closing the Needham plant and laying off about 115 people.”
(Meg Vaillancourt,“Romney-Aided Deal Closed Damon Plant,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/9/94)
Romney “Feared” The Massachusetts Layoffs Would Come, But Voted To Approve Deal Anyway.
“Asa board member, Romney pointed out he had a legally binding ‘fiduciary responsibility’ to get the best deal hecould for the shareholders, though he acknowledged that at the time he feared Corning would close down theplant and lay off the Massachusetts employees. … No one met Corning’s tender offer, which Romneydescribed as ‘stunning.’ He said he voted to accept the offer, as did the vast majority of other shareholders.‘There was nothing I could do.’”
(Meg Vaillancourt, “Romney-Aided Deal Closed Damon Plant,”
The Boston Globe
, 10/9/94)
As A Gubernatorial Candidate, Romney Claimed He Helped “Uncover” And Stop The Fraud At Damon.
“[R]omney said Thursday he helped uncover the fraud at Damon and hired an outside law firm to investigate it.
Add this to oppo research before it disappears.
McCain 2008 Oppo File
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