Just when we thought Franklin Graham had come to his senses, he stepped in it again yesterday. He appeared on Today's Issues with Tony Perkins and appeared to question the commitment of any Christian who supports President Obama.
The moral issues to me are so important as a Christian, for a candidate to actually oppose God’s standard and then to vote for that person, you are compromising, you are joining in with them. So for me, I just have to draw the line in the sand, I’m not going to support a candidate that supports abortion and same-sex marriage, I will not do it. Unfortunately, you know the President is a nice guy, but I cannot vote for him because of these issues that go against God’s law and against His standard.
Looks like we know what Graham
fils really wasn't walking back his
earlier attacks on Obama's faith after all when he
appeared on CNN on Wednesday.
Today's Issues airs on the American Family Association's radio network, so Graham
fils was speaking to the true believers here.
I have to say that this hits a really raw nerve with me. As many of you know, I was suckered into joining a New Apostolic Reformation/dominionist-aligned campus ministry during my freshman year at Carolina. One of my "sisters" in there once told me that I had to junk anything that didn't jibe with the Bible without thinking about it--and not doing so could jeopardize my salvation. I realize a lot of people aren't even giving Obama a fair go because of his views on social issues. But to tell me and any other born-again Dem that we're less of a Christian because we support Obama? Just who in the hell do you think you are? As far as I'm concerned, Franklin Graham can shove it.