Look, ladies! Mitt Romney is a husband and father. What more do you need?
Although there is no War on Women (or caterpillars), and that
19-point gender gap is just an invention of the librul media, on Tuesday night, Mitt Romney's braintrust put the finishing touches on a new
"three-pronged strategy" to erase that non-existent gender gap and that non-existent War on Women:
As the Romney campaign shifts to the general election, his aides will reintroduce him to voters, warming up his image by emphasizing his role as a devoted father and husband. Mr. Romney’s wife, Ann, has already made several Web videos that feature her reminiscences, along with gauzy family photos; voters are likely to see more of these. Mrs. Romney will also increase her campaign appearances; she has already begun to talk about how women tell her they care deeply about the economy, where the campaign wants to keep its focus.
Ah. So the strategy is (1) shake shake the Etch A Sketch; (2) tell the ladies Mitt can't possibly hate women because he has a wife and kids (look at the photos!); and (3) send Mrs. Romney out on the campaign trail to explain to little ladies across America what their real issues are.
How's that strategy working for Mitt so far?
Approximately half a second after rolling out the new strategy, the Romney campaign shot itself in the foot when it had to take an hour to think about whether Mitt supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. (At least the Romney campaign didn't try to argue that asking how Mitt feels about equal pay for women is a gotcha question. Yet.)
Day 2 of Operation Three-Pronged Strategy isn't looking any better for Mitt. The campaign sent Ann Romney to Fox News to pretend to be outraged that someone dared to point out the indisputable fact that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life.
So how did that go?
In the span of 10 minutes, Ann Romney made such a perfect case for respecting women's family planning choices, it was like she downloaded the talking points from Planned Parenthood; further proved how out of touch she and her husband are about their wealth and privilege by claiming that she knows "what it's like to struggle" even if she hasn't "struggled as much financially as some people have"; and then, in answering the question of whether Mitt sees women as equals, gave us this gem:
Mitt Romney is a person that admires women and listens to them, and I am grateful that he listens to me and listens to what I am telling him as well about what women are facing right now, and he's listening and he cares.
Wow. He listens to his wife when she talks? As opposed to ... what? Telling her to shut her stupid lady mouth? Is she also grateful he doesn't make her ride with the dog on top of the car in an airtight container? Or sleep in the car elevator? What a woman-lovin' forward thinker that Mitt is, listening to his wife. With a solid argument like that, of course women will come running back to the Republican Party, begging to be saved from mean ol' not-listening President Obama.
Maybe Mitt needs to shake shake the Etch A Sketch some more and just stick to the family photos.