Dick Morris-style "
[O]n the apparent theory that Obama will get none of the undecided voter, Morris figures he’s on his way to at least an eleven-point loss.
Dick Morris is freakin' hilarious.
To put Morris' "analysis" in context, here's some of his greatest hits. Let's start with this, written the day before Hillary Clinton spoke at the Democratic convention in 2008 because he's psychic:
Women from coast to coast will watch her and wonder why she isn’t on the ticket [...] Obama has a huge problem with female voters [...] He didn’t help himself with these women by not choosing Hillary. Now, when Hillary spends all of Tuesday night showing what a grievous omission leaving her off the ticket really was, the electoral consequences for Obama are likely to be horrific.
The electoral consequences were so horrific for Obama, that he only won women by 13 points. Okay, so maybe not so psychic.
Then there's his electoral college predictions:
As I wrote at the time:
He thought Arkansas was lean Obama. McCain won it by 20 points. Not a single poll ever showed the state competitive.
He thought Louisiana was a tossup. Obama lost it by 19 points. Again, except for one suspect poll late in the game, no other polling showed the state competitive.
Tennessee as a tossup? In whose feverish mind? McCain won it by 17 points, and that was probably closer than many sane people expected.
Kentucky was just "lean McCain"? I guess that's better than calling it Lean Obama or tossup, but at a 17-point loss, it was always a solid McCain state.
In fact, of Morris' "tossup" states, only North Carolina really deserved that billing, and ended up a 50-50 split (with the narrowest of Obama advantages). Of the other four, three ended up double-digit McCain wins, and Arizona almost was at nine points.
How was Indiana -- with reams of polling showing it neck and neck -- "lean McCain" when the likes of Arizona, Louisiana, Tennessee, and West Virginia were "tossups"?
Morris blew Missouri (like me) and Indiana, but that's less interesting than their relative rankings compared to the likes of Tennessee and Arkansas. If you're going to have a "tossup" category (which is a cop out when making predictions), then you had to throw Missouri into it. No way it was "lean Obama" when your definition of "tossup" includes the likes of Tennessee and Louisiana. Same with Indiana.
In other words, Morris had no clue what he was talking about.
There's lots more! Like claiming—against the exit poll data—that every undecided voter went to John McCain in 2008, or that (no joke!) John McCain would win the youth vote because of Joe the Plumber (Obama won it 66-32), and did you know that Obama's presidency failed in its first 100 days because he did things that made Dick Morris cry?
Dick Morris has never been right about anything. Quite the opposite—he's been spectacularly wrong about everything. So if he says Obama is headed toward an 11-point loss, then feel free to breathe a sigh of relief. After you're finished laughing, that is.