How can we rely on voting results when the cases of voting machine problems are so hugely widespread?
There are over 200,000,000 million registered voters. It would take a huge amount of voter fraud to tilt an election. However, an entire county's votes can be compromised by voting machine problems, and they have, many times over.
The GOP is yelling about Voter Fraud, when the real problems are the well-documented problems with voting machines? You never hear them yelling about this reality.
Ironically (the GOP are the Kings of Irony), the only VOTER FRAUD CONVICTION I could find with a Google Search for "CONVICTED OF VOTER FRAUD" was a REPUBLICAN SECRETARY OF STATE!
And this is all the GOP can dig up to prove voter fraud, although the cases listed are not all voter fraud cases. And trust me, they are eager to prove voter fraud.
DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud Apparently, there's something going on with absentee ballots. I question whether this is a Briebart-like sting operation. I could be wrong. Hardly enough to tip the scales of an election.
Two pics from show where voting machines are used, and almost 100% of the votes will use voting machines:

You will notice that a large percent of vote counts will rely on Optical Scanners. This article clearly shows how unreliable the optical scanners are:
NOVEMBER 2011 - UT Paper Ballot Op-Scan 'Recount' Halted, Results Found 'Extremely in Favor of Opposite Candidate'
For those unfamiliar with DRE voting machines I recommend
Frequently Asked Questions about DRE Voting Systems
Just for fun, Google Search "voting machine problems" - I got 81,600 hits.
There are two websites devoted to this issue:
Black Box Voting
The BradBlog
The BradBlog's search engine is robust if you want to find voting machine problems for a specific state or election.
For some voting machines, it takes a little more than 6 minutes and less than $5.00 to compromise a machine.
Oddly, in an effort to show HOW voting machines CAN be hacked, ARE Election Fraud Criminals inadvertently trained on HOW TO STEAL VOTES?
Princeton shows us how:
Go Princeton! Another Princeton team shows how to take a few seconds to install a virus to hack Diebold votes, used by 5%-10% of the population (go to minute 3:51 to learn how machine is criminally compromised:
This is quite low tech, very clever, and wrong on so many levels.
Special Sequoia-Dominion Ballot machines for people with special needs:
Ballot Stuffing Holes, Illegal USB Ports Add to Sequoia/Dominion Voting System Flaws
Diebold and Sequoia have been purchased, consolidated, by Dominion Voting Systems, Canadian company that moved offices to Colorado.
America's New E-Voting Goliath
Given the enormous share of the U.S. voting "market" now potentially controlled by Dominion ---
and the now-customary revolving door between public and private officials in the "election industry" which now places former Diebold/Premier officials, former Sequoia officials, and even former state election officials at the helm of the private, little-known Canadian firm ---
it comes as no surprise that Dominion would hope few in the public actually noticed their sudden acquisition of e-voting assets from some 50% of the U.S. "voting market".
That's right. This fall, 50% of the voting machines will be products of DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS.
In this article, The BradBlog demonstrates the all-too-familiar revolving door between public officials and the voting machine companies.
Which brings us back to those Princeton Researchers exposing just how UNSAFE AND EASILY HACKED voting machines really are:
Dominion had hired away Sequoia's VP Edwin Smith.
Readers of The BRAD BLOG may remember the woeful Smith as the one who'd first sent threat letters to Princeton computer scientists, promising legal action if they independently reviewed Sequoia's voting machines after the systems had been found to have miscounted in a New Jersey election.
So, you might think that all these security problems would be fixed by now.
Nope. And yes, we can thank Palm Beach County Florida for letting us know that voting machines don't work properly. It's irony overload, imo!
MARCH 2012 - Palm Beach Elections Overturned After Hand-Count Reveals Op-Scans Mistallied Results
Palm Beach announced some possible fixes:
The county this year planned to start using modems to electronically transmit vote totals, but in March dropped those plans because many of the polling site phone lines were incompatible with the modems.
Instead of using modems, Bucher has opted for software improvements and setting up satellite vote-tabulation sites throughout the county.
I'd love to hear what the Princeton Voting Machine Hacking Exposers think about Ms. Bucher's Palm Beach County Florida solutions to the debauched Dominion Voting Machines lack of security and accuracy.
It's not difficult to find areas that could be problematic.
Hat's off to for a complete analysis of how elections are handled in the USA.
Do drop into to see which states are using the most reliable/unreliable systems.
Keep in mind, most states are controlled by Republican Governors who often get to choose who will be charged with assuring vote counting integrity.

Often, vote integrity is affiliated with the Secretary of State. Here's a map showing the GOP and DEM Secretaries of State

This just in
Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), who is under investigation for alleged illegal campaign fundraising, reported spending more than $321,000 from his campaign account on legal fees between April 1 to June 6, according to Roll Call. Grimm continues to serve despite House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) promised “zero-tolerance” policy on ethical scandals.