If you find yourself agreeing with Professor Roberto Unger in this video and the accompanying piece from the Huffington Post:
Please find another system and go live under it. Elsewhere. Get out of my way, and quit cluttering up our political discourse with self-defeating crap that fails to understand basic principles of the American political system.
"Neither of the two major political parties offers this country what it needs." Says Professor Unger. Well, Professor, when you invent something else, show us. Until then, your statements are mere noise, unrelated to anything practical, and are extremely dangerous because of the cost incurred if enough people were to accept your point of view. The 2000 election should be enough of a rebuke to this mindset, but allow me to point out a few others.
You do not win by losing.
A step back is a step back. A step forward is a step forward. Losing a Presidential election does not, in any way shape or form, result in a step forward. But it can erase a lot of them.
President Obama is not perfect. Neither is our country. But our country, run by the people who oppose President Obama? No thank you. If you think you advance your cause by letting them win, then your cause is as worthless as you are.
I correct my children. I discipline them. I often do not let them do what they would prefer to do. If one of them disappoints me, however, I do not banish them from the house or hope they don't make it home from school, just to "teach them a lesson." Hoping the President loses in order to "teach the Democrats a lesson" is just as asinine.
Let me see if I can explain this - we are in a political battle with opponents who are unscrupulous, willing to cheat, intent on seizing power and NEVER RELINQUISHING IT. They are perfectly willing to destroy everything you hold dear in order to obtain that power. And they have set the stage for the complete lockdown on opposition which will enable them to prevent your precious democratic principles from ever being heard from again. Citizens United allows unlimited expenditures by people who oppose you and everything you believe in.
And you want to fight that battle by letting them win? You want to throw out a man who advances the ball towards the goal line because he didn't do it in an 80 yard bomb? And in his place, you intend to do what? get out of the way and let the other team shove the ball quite literally down your throat?
In the future, if you are an overpaid law professor who has been in academia for 40 years without any exposure to real politics, do us all a favor and write on whether there is any need to continue studying the Rule Against Perpetuities. Leave your misunderstanding of the political and economic realities of America in your office. Leave politics to those of us who understand it.