Bibi Netanyahu told Vanity Fair
“I remember him [Romney] for sure, but I don’t think we had any particular connections, I knew him and he knew me, I suppose.”
~Bibi Netanyahu, July 2012 in Vanity Fair Interview, (middle of Page 4)
But, to hear the pathological liar, Mitt Romney, tell it the two were as thick as thieves (no pun intended) while they both worked at Bain Consulting Group in the 1970s (not to be confused with Bain Capital.)
Romney to the New York Times:
ROMNEY: "We [Mitt & Netanyahu] can almost speak in shorthand. We share common experiences and have a perspective and underpinning which is similar."
In December GOP Debate regarding how America should handle Iran:
ROMNEY: "I'd get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say, 'Would it help if I said this? What would you like me to do?'"
Sounds like Romney would put Bibi First and America Second and that is very disturbing to me.
In April 2012, Romney said:
ROMNEY: “Israel’s current prime minister is not just a friend, he’s an old friend”
Romney has touted his 'friendship' with Netanyahu as being "nurtured through meals in Boston, New York and Jerusalem."
Look, it's no surprise that Romney is a pathological liar and is lying about his "friendship" with Bibi to garner the Jewish vote -- duh -- But I would urge all my Jewish friends to remember that no one, of any religion or non-religion, can believe a thing that comes out of Romney's mouth because he lies like a smelly old, nasty rug.
I would also remind my friends that Romney has hired most of Bush/Cheney Advisors and he, and they, have been chanting on and on about starting a war with Iran and ignorantly and falsely accusing Russia of still being the "Soviet Union" and also ignorantly thinking the world is still fighting the Cold War.
Mitt Romney has no Foreign Policy as his alleged Foreign Policy is exactly what the Bush/Cheney Advisors tell him it is -- with no thoughts of his own and no core beliefs -- Mitt just lies to the world about everything, including but not limited to, his fake, make-believe longtime close friendship with Bibi Netanyahu.