After the Republican establishment finished its process of shafting Ron Paul delegates, a tumult erupted on the Republican convention floor as the Paulistas shouted at RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to "sit them" (to my ear that is what they were shouting). Priebus then turned down a motion to reconsider on a voice vote that did not appear to have a clear result. More tumult. Then the arena quieted down.
The next announced speaker was Zoraida Fonalledas, a Puerto Rican whose family wealth probably exceeds Mitt Romney's. For some reason, the Paulistas then erupted again. They were shouted down by others. But once Fonalledas approached the podium, a strange thing happened—the shouts turned into "USA!USA!" This chant was not heard when Preibus was being jeered. See the longer video:
Fonalledas discovered that despite all her money, Republicans still have no respect for her.
Fox News Latino reported:
A visibly upset Zoraida Fonalledas, Chairwomen of the Committee on Permanent Organization, was greeted by chants of "USA, USA, USA" when RNC Chairman Reince Priebus introduced her to the convention crowd. The chants kept coming until Priebus stepped back up to the podium and told the delegates to let Fonalledas take care of her business. Just a little bit awkward.
Just a bit. Some argued that the chants had nothing to do with Fonalledas being a Puerto Rican woman, that the chants involved a dispute over sitting Ron Paul delegates. Those apologists will have to explain how a protest over delegate seating turned into a chant of "USA! USA!" directed at a Puerto Rican woman of immense wealth.
As Antonio Villaraigosa says, the GOP "can't just trot out a brown face or a Spanish surname" and expect Latinos to vote Republican. Especially when they treat them like this. One other point to consider: Jan Brewer (yes, Jan Brewer!) accused President Obama of race baiting:
Jan Brewer. Joe Arpaio. Paul Ryan. Mitt Romney. Not exactly a group that inspires confidence in their attitudes towards Latinos and Latinas. As for delegates to the GOP convention, well, I suppose you can imagine them being good people on the question of race. I am more sanguine.
To paraphrase Sally Field, they hate us! They really hate us! And we've noticed.