Yet another batshit racist Republican politician in Arkansas.
It has long been known that Loy Mauch, a Republican state representative in the Arkansas legislature, is a neo-Confederate. Clytemnestra wrote a popular diary back in 2010 exposing Mauch's association with the League of the South, a secessionist group on the radar of the Southern Poverty Law Center that uses racist language in advocating for an "Anglo-centric" government to rule over a separate Southern nation. Mauch's racist, neo-Confederate views are not new.
But the Arkansas Times has found more. Mauch is certainly not very shy about expressing his disgusting views, and it simply took a little bit of digging into the archives of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette to find some very disturbing letters to the editor penned by Mauch.
Here are some excerpts from Mauch's letters, as published by the Arkansas Times. The dates of the letters range from 2000 to 2011.
This little gem is regarding the 14th Amendment, which of course was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of freed slaves. Mauch doesn't think very highly of it, needless to say:
The 14th Amendment completely destroyed the Founders’ concept of limited government and was coerced on this nation by radical people and in my opinion was never legally ratified as required by Article V of the Constitution. It was essentially a Karl Marx concept and would have never come from the pen of Madison or any of the patriots from Virginia.
Here are his thoughts on Abraham Lincoln:
I would like to thank this newspaper’s editorialist for publishing the tribute to Abraham Lincoln as well as his second inaugural address so that the readers can see for themselves what a fake this neurotic Northern war criminal truly was.
Here's some more Lincoln-hating, along with some praise for Robert E. Lee:
Krishna Thiagarajan has written about the most imbecelic letter to this newpaper that I have read in quite some time where she compares Robert E. Lee to Hermann Goering. ...
To those of us who actually know our history, Lee will be mentioned in the same breath as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, while Goering will be equated with Lincoln, Josef Stalin and Karl Marx.
More on Lincoln:
Angi Taylor’s guest column about Juneteenth is well intended, but predictably goose steps with the cult of Lincoln.
The part of her article that says "Lincoln was for a legal system based on integrity" is hilarious. How can any elected official who swears to uphold the Constitution, then proceeds to commit premeditated murder upon it, be acknowledged [for] having integrity?
Here he is expressing pride in his ancestors' fight for the Confederacy:
I'm very proud my ancestors stood up to Northern aggression. The Confederate flag to me is not only a symbol of our brief period of independence and our loyalty to the 1789 Constitution, but also a symbol of Christian liberty vs. the new world order.
And then it gets really good when he talks about slavery:
Nowhere in the Holy Bible have I found a word of condemnation for the operation of slavery, Old or New Testament. If slavery was so bad, why didn’t Jesus, Paul or the prophets say something?
This country already lionizes Wehrmacht leaders. They go by the names of Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Custer, etc. These Marxists not only destroyed the Constitution they were sworn to uphold, but apostatized the word of God. Either these depraved infidels or the Constitution and Scriptures are in error. I’m more persuaded by the word of God.
... If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn’t there a war before 1861?
The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.
This is not just a fringe candidate for office. This is a sitting representative in the Arkansas legislature.
Mauch, by the way, has been endorsed by the NRA and the Arkansas Right to Life PAC, as well as U.S. Representatives Steve Womack and Tim Griffin. None of these endorsements have been rescinded.
The state GOP has cut off funding for State Representative Jon Hubbard, who wrote that slavery was a blessing for African Americans, Charlie Fuqua, who called for the deportation of all Muslims and the implementation of a death penalty for "rebellious children," and now Mauch. Republicans are running scared from these candidates, even though it's likely only because such a big deal has been made out of their comments.
But Doyle Webb, the chair of the Arkansas GOP, couldn't help but blame those mischievous Democrats when responding to Hubbard's and Fuqua's comments:
The reported statements made by Hubbard and Fuqua were highly offensive to many Americans and do not reflect the viewpoints of the Republican Party of Arkansas. While we respect their right to freedom of expression and thought, we strongly disagree with those ideas. It’s unfortunate the Democratic Party of Arkansas is attempting to hold onto one-party control by engaging in distractions that do nothing to put hardworking Arkansans back to work and rebuild our economy.
No, see, what's
really unfortunate is that, in the year 2012, we're still fighting the Civil War.
That is unfortunate.
The Arkansas House Republican Caucus has also responded to the uproar caused by these racist politicians:
While I have not read either book by Representative Hubbard or Charlie Fuqua, I am disappointed and disturbed by the news reports of the divisive and racially inflammatory content. The statements that have been reported portray attitudes and beliefs that would return our state and country to a harmful and regrettable past.
I find it rather difficult to believe that the racism inherent in Hubbard's, Fuqua's, and Mauch's comments is that much of a fringe viewpoint within the Arkansas GOP.
I'm not sure what's been going on in Arkansas lately, but it's pretty troubling. I certainly hope the sane voters in that state reject the hate these politicians are spewing.