Impeach because, you know. Stuff.
I really cannot emphasize how much of our modern political discourse
is governed by stupid people:
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul compared President Barack Obama to an absolute monarch on Tuesday, vowing to fight any executive orders on gun control.
“I’m against having a king,” Paul, the son of libertarian icon Ron Paul, told Christian Broadcasting News while traveling in Israel. “I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over and someone who wants to bypass the Constitution, bypass Congress — that’s someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch.”
You can pussyfoot around this all you want, but at the end of the day, the only possible translation of that is that Rand Paul, actual United States senator, is a deeply stupid person. A half-wit. Possibly only a third-wit. Prove me wrong, Rand, prove me wrong.
Now, this was before Obama unleashed his torrent of outrageous executive orders, things like "maybe the ATF should have an actual head, one of these days, even if that makes Rand Paul sad" and other apparent abominations that, according to Rand Paul, will not stand. I haven't yet seen Paul's outline of which of Obama's executive orders are the ones that most send us down the path to tyranny, but I have no doubt that a crack team of GOP staffers are going to stay up very, very late tonight trying to figure out which those are.
Rep. Steve Stockman, on the other hand, is such an embarrassment to America that we really need to let Texas secede just so they—and only they—are stuck with this buffoon.
Appearing on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show, Stockman — who earlier this week threatened to file articles of impeachment against Obama — said, “He’s even using children, it reminds me of Saddam Hussein when he used kids to…”
Cutting in, Van Susteren said: “Well, I think that’s a little bit of a stretch, but anyway, congressman, always nice to see you.”
When the nice Fox News host has to cut you off in order to keep you from embarrassing
Fox News, you have officially put your foot where the sun don't shine.
That doesn't even count Iran-Contra figure Ed Meese, who apparently is still alive. Add him to the "impeach Obama for, um, whatever" pile.
Meese warned in an interview with conservative website Newsmax that it would be unconstitutional for Obama to enact aggressive gun-control measures through executive order.
"It would not be legal. It would not be constitutional. And, indeed, if he tried to override the Second Amendment in any way, I believe it would be an impeachable offense,"
If there's anyone on the planet that should
not be looked to for insight into what the hell the president can and can't do without running afoul of the Constitution, Ed Meese would be high on that list, somewhere between Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy.
That was just the stuff they were saying before Obama unleashed his tyrannical plan to let the CDC know that they they were officially allowed to research gun safety issues again. I've yet to see a single post-speech response from any Republican that specifies objections to things Obama actually proposed, from Rand Paul or anyone else, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that they might want pin that down at some point. You know, for the impeachment papers?