DNA results and Autopsy results would have to "prove" that Trayvon Martin actually "caused" Zimmerman's injuries in order for for anyone, including a jury, to conclude Zimmerman acted in self defense when he killed an unarmed Trayvon Martin. However, the DNA results and the Autopsy results do not support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin "caused" injuries to his face or head. Meaning, DNA results and the Autopsy suggest Trayvon Martin is not the "cause" of Zimmerman's injuries. So Zimmerman's alleged self defense claim might not fly with the jury since none of the forensic results suggest Trayvon Martin touched Zimmerman in any way, shape or form.
The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails.
George Zimmerman was damn near bald on the night he followed, search for, then found and killed Trayvon Martin. In order for Trayvon Martin to grab Zimmerman's bald head tight enough to slam his head into the sidewalk over a dozen times, some of Zimmerman's DNA would have gotten underneath Trayvon Martin's fingernails.
The DNA results show none of Zimmerman's DNA under Martin's fingernails:
Exhibit ME2: Fingernail scrapings represented as being from Trayvon Benjamin Martin
“gave chemical indications for the presence of blood”
ME 2A Right hand: “No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) were
found on Exhibit ME-2A”
ME 2B Left hand: “No DNA results were obtained from Exhibit ME-2B
The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martin's hoodie.
George Zimmerman told detectives (time 34:46 in video after the orange squiggle) that he had "blood all over [his] face and eyes." We know from pictures officer's took of Zimmerman moments after he killed Trayvon that Zimmerman did
not really have blood covering his eyes. That said, if Trayvon had been punching Zimmerman in the nose 25 to 30 times, as Zimmerman claims, then some of Zimmerman's blood would be all over the cuff/sleeve of Trayvon Martins hoodie.
Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”
Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood
Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve
Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve
ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood
Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.
The Jury will see the
DNA report that states that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the right cuff/sleeve of Trayvon's long sleeve shirt and no determination could be made if Zimmerman's DNA was present on the left cuff/sleeve Trayvon wore underneath his hoodie because the
sample size was too small to yield sufficient results.
ME 8 Shirt represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Right cuff/lower sleeve:
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood. No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin (ME-3) were obtained from Exhibit ME-8 right cuff/lower sleeve”
Left cuff/lower sleeve:
The mixed DNA profile obtained from Exhibit ME-8 left cuff/lower sleeve demonstrated the presence of at least two individuals. Assuming Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) is a contributor to the mixture, foreign DNA results were obtained. Due to the limited nature of these results, this data is insufficient for inclusion purposes.
No determination can be made regarding the possible contribution of George Michael Zimmerman (JR-2) to the mixed DNA profile obtained from Exhibit ME-8 left cuff/lower sleeve.”
The Jury will see
Trayvon Martin's Autopsy Report that describes, in intricate detail, the physical appearance of Trayvon Martin as he appeared after Zimmerman killed him. The Jury will see that the Autopsy report shows Trayvon had "a
1/4" x 1/8" small abrasion on the left fourth finger." The Jury will also see that the Autopsy does
not mention any: blood, dirt, defensive wounds or offensive wounds on Trayvon Martin's knuckles, palms, wrists, fingers or thumbs -- which dispels Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon punched him in the nose 25-30 times, covered his nose and mouth while at the same slamming his head into the sidewalk over a dozen times.
The Jury will see Police pictures of George Zimmerman's hands approximately 45 minutes after he killed Trayvon which do not show any defensive wounds on his, dirt or blood on Zimmerman's: knuckles, palms, wrists, thumbs or fingers or fingernails.
The Jury will also see police pictures of the back-side of Zimmerman which does not show any: blood, dirt, mud, or grass stains on the back of Zimmerman's jacket or blue jeans.
In the video below the orange squiggle, at time 33:31, Zimmerman's admitted to Detectives that he pinned Trayvon Martin "face down" in the muddy, wet grass, in an effort to "restrain" the unarmed teenager he just killed.
ZIMMERMAN: I was on top of him, straddling him, he was face down, when he kept hitting me in the face it felt like something was in his hands, so I thought he had a weapon, so I grabbed his hands and pushed them away from his body, and I said, "STOP! Don't move." He was saying something like "ahhhh ahhhhh and cursing" and I said, "STOP, don't move" and then somebody came and had a flashlight and I thought was a cop and I said - oh and I still had my gun in my hand as I was holding his hands apart and I said are you a cop he said "no" but I'll call them. I said, "I don't need you to do that I need you to help me restrain this guy."
Zimmerman admission that he pinned Trayvon Martin face down, holding Trayvon's arms out away from his body could explain: Photographs that show the front-side of Trayvon Martin's pants and hoodie have: dirt, mud, and grass stains on them.
There is no denying that the EMS Report states Zimmerman had "minor bleeding" from wounds. Officer Wagner took pictures with his cell phone before EMS cleaned Zimmerman with Peroxide that show: the very tip of Zimmerman's nose had some blood that dripped down in a narrow band onto his mustache (but no bleeding from nostrils). There is also a picture Wagner took before EMS cleaned Zimmerman that shows Zimmerman with "minor bleeding" (no smeared blood plus blood flowing to the front of Zimmerman's chin) on the back of his head.
That said, the DNA Report and Autopsy Report suggests that Trayvon Martin did not cause any of the injuries to Zimmerman. How did Zimmerman get his injuries? Who knows, but the DNA evidence and Autopsy report suggests Zimmerman did not get his injuries from the hands of Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman admitted to Detectives that when he found Trayvon Martin he immediately took his own Zimmerman took his own right hand and tapped his right front pants pocket and his right back pocket (which was just inches away from his firearm) and said he "went to go for my phone" and then admitted that his phone was not even in his pants. The other day in my Diary I wrote he put his hand in his right-side jacket pocket and that is not correct.
I wanted to make that correction here for anyone who may have read my Diary from yesterday.
In this video, at time 30:46, Zimmerman illustrates, through hand motion and words, that while standing in front of Trayvon, Zimmerman took his own right hand and tapped his right front pants pocket and his right back pocket (which was just inches away from his firearm) and said he "went to go for my phone" and then admitted that his phone was not even in his pants pocket.
At time 38:38 in the video, Zimmerman explains that Trayvon Martin did not pin Zimmerman's arms down and that Zimmerman's arms were free to "defend" himself.
At time 39:53 he admitted he wanted to "maintain close proximity to" Trayvon so he "could tell police" where Martin was. (Nothing about looking for the name of the street he lived on or an address to any random house one block away from where his car was parked.)
I think at this point it is important to remember that while Zimmerman was on the phone with 911 he did not think Travyon was "gone" from the area. In fact, from 911 we know Zimmerman thought Trayvon was still in the area and was hiding from Zimmerman.
DISPATCH: What's your apartment number?
ZIMMERMAN: It's a home, it's 1950, oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is
At time 41:43 Zimmerman gives an illustration showing how he used both his hands and arms (covering his face) to "defend " himself against Trayvon Martin's punches. Zimmerman also describes how he grabs Trayvon's wrist with his left hand, pinches Trayvon's other hand down with his arm pit, grabs his gun and "aims" his gun at Trayvon with precision enough not to "hit his own left hand" with the hollow point bullet that is about to race through Trayvon Martin's heart.
DETECTIVE: Ok, where were his hands when you went to get the weapon.
ZIMMERMAN: One hand was going toward the gun and ah, he took it off my mouth. I took his hand, ah, he was suffocating me so I was trying to get his hands off my face. So when I felt his hands, ah, he let go of my mouth, so I wasn't trying to do anything again with my right hand so I grabbed my gun and, ah, I don't know if he did it at the same time or what the case was but I got to it first.
DETECTIVE: How did you come to fire upon him in that position cuz you're laying down on your back and did you just bring it out of the holster. Did you just fired it from, almost like from the hip.
ZIMMERMAN: 43:09 [GZ fully extends right arm holding an imaginary gun and at the same time, GZ uses left hand to show he was holding Martin] I think I made sure that it wasn't -- cuz my hand in the way -- I made sure it was past my hand was out of the way. Cuz his hand was still on my face. So I made sure. He was like putting all his weight on my nose and my mouth trying to suffocate me. So he was like creating a crevice with his body and then he like -- when he slid to go for my gun -- that's when it clicked that I had my gun.
DETECTIVE: You went out like this [illustrates holding an imaginary gun by his hip]
ZIMMERMAN: 44:14 [GZ fully extends right arm holding an imaginary gun I think I went and at the same time, GZ uses left hand to show holding Martin] I think I went out far enough where I could make sure that it [the gun] was past my other hand. [GZ keeps right arm extended] and in his general area.
DETECTIVE: There's not really a lot of distance between you and him, so you can't really extend you arm -- you don't have any play
ZIMMERMAN: [Zimmerman fully extends his right arm again holding imaginary gun] I was on him -- I knew I was on him. Correct.
While Zimmerman admits he knew he shot Trayvon in the above quote, earlier in the Video (34:03) Zimmerman claimed he had no idea he actually "shot" Trayvon so he pinned Trayvon face down, pushed his arms apart and yelled, "Don't Move" then told an "onlooker" to "help me restrain this guy."
Afer all that Zimmerman claims he went through, take a close look at pictures of Zimmerman's hands taken about 45 minutes after he killed Trayvon.

(George Zimmerman's hands about 45 minutes after he killed Trayvon Martin look pristine)
Zimmerman's left hand:

These pictures of Zimmerman's hands were taken about 45 minutes after he killed Trayvon show there no defensive wounds on his hands. There are no defensive marks on his left hand where he grabbed Trayvon's wrist tight enough to immobilize it as he grabbed his gun and aimed it with precision so as not to hit his own left hand. There isn't even any dirt under his fingernails. Zimmerman's hands look almost pristine.
Zimmerman claims he was using both his arms to defend himself against Trayvon in a "life threatening brawl" in the wet, muddy grass, squirming on his back to get his head off of a sidewalk, killed an unarmed minor, flipped that dead unarmed minor onto his belly, straddled him and spread his arms apart with his gun still in your hands, restrain that dead unarmed teenager .... and did not have any defensive wounds on his hand at all and did not even get any dirt under his fingernails -- in fact, Zimmerman's hand look pristine.
Here are pictures of the back of Zimmerman's jacket taken about 45 minutes after he killed Trayvon Martin. Notice, no dirt, no mud, no scuff marks. Yet he claims he squirmed in the muddy grass with a 150 pound teenager on top of him to get his head off of a sidewalk as that teenager is allegedly punching him in the face 25-30 times.

(Back of Zimmerman's Jacket 45 minutes after he was alleged on his back in a bloody, muddy scuffle)
Remember, Zimmerman admits that he pinned Martin face down in the wet, muddy grass.
ZIMMERMAN: I was on top of him, straddling him, he was face down, when he kept hitting me in the face it felt like something was in his hands, so I thought he had a weapon, so I grabbed his hands and pushed them away from his body, and I said, "STOP! Don't move." He was saying something like "ahhhh ahhhhh and cursing" and I said, "STOP, don't move" and then somebody came and had a flashlight and I thought was a cop and I said - oh and I still had my gun in my hand as I was holding his hands apart and I said are you a cop he said "no" but I'll call them. I said, "I don't need you to do that I need you to help me restrain this guy."
Therefore, since Zimmerman admits he pinned Martin "face down" it is no surprise that Martin's pants have mud and dirt on the front of them.

The front of Martin's pants show dirt and mud from which is consistant with Zimmerman's admitting that he pinned Trayvon face down after he shot and killed Trayvon.
Zimmerman claims that while he was on his back, he squirmed and squirmed and shimmied on the muddy wet grass to get his head off of the sidewalk but the back of his blue jeans are as "pristine" as his hands

EMS Report describes Zimmerman as having "minor bleeding" and does not make a claim that Zimmerman had a broken nose. In fact, to date, no document from any licensed medical doctor has ever diagnosed Zimmerman with a broken nose. Zimmerman told his family Physician Assistant that "EMS told him" he had a broken nose but we see from EMS report that Zimmerman lied to his PA when he told her that.

Only TIP of Zimmerman's nose is bleeding and not his nostrils - which means Zimmerman was not punched in the nose 25-30 times as he claims.

The above picture is a picture Officer Wagner took of Zimmerman's nose before EMS used peroxide to clean his blood. Notice, no blood coming from Zimmerman's nostrils. Blood only coming from tip of Zimmerman's nose.

Sanford Police Department took the above picture about 45 minutes after Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, you can see two pinholes on the tip of Zimmerman's nose which is exactly the location of the bleeding Officer Wagner's picture shows.

Officer Wagner took the above picture of the back of Zimmerman's head before EMS used peroxide to clean the blood. Notice the streams of blood have a defined path flowing toward the front of Zimmerman's face which is not consistent with bleeding on his back. Also, the defined streams are not consistent with Zimmerman laying on his back, getting his head slammed against a sidewalk over a dozen times while simultaneously "squirming" and "shimmying" on his back to get his head off of the sidewalk.
The DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA is under Trayvon Martin's fingernails which dispels Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon grabbed his head with a tight enough grip to slam his head in the sidewalk over a dozen times.
DNA report shows none of Zimmerman's DNA on the cuff/sleeve of Trayvon's hoodie or long sleeve shirt which underscores none of Zimmerman's blood was splattering onto Martin's cuff/sleeves during Zimmerman's allegation that Trayvon punched him in the nose 25-30 times.
Autopsy Report does not state that Trayvon had any: blood, dirt, mud, defensive, or offensive wounds on his: hands, knuckles, palms, wrists, fingers or thumbs -- which dispels Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon punched him in the nose 25-30 times, covered his nose and mouth while at the same slamming his head into the sidewalk over a dozen times.
I have no idea how Zimmerman got two small cuts, with "minor bleeding" on the back of his head, nor do I know how Zimmerman got two bleeding pinholes on the tip of his nose. I do not even know "why" Zimmerman "thought" he needed to avoid shooting his own left hand - which was allegedly used to pull Martin's hand off Zimmerman's nose -- when he allegedly pulled his weapon from his right hip, and from his right hip shot and killed Trayvon Martin through the heart.
But I do know that the DNA report and Autopsy Report do not support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon caused Zimmerman's injuries.