I voted for a Democratic President via Obama for the first time in my life during the 2012 Presidential election cycle. I finally left the Republican Party in light of their anti-immigrant sentiment, and I am now a registered Independent voter.
I have also been advocating and supporting immigrant rights for over 10 years. I was unsuccessful changing the GOP from within when I attempted to work with the moderates. The extreme tea party people were too strong and louder than the moderate GOPers, and quite frankly I simply could not stomach my people [those of Mexican descent] being referred to as "wetbacks" any more. Moderate GOPers tend to be lower key compared to the screaming tea party who bullied their fellow Republicans by targeting them and calling them RINO's or (Republican In Name Only).
It is a fact that most of the immigrants who are being deported are Mexican. Many Mexican-American registered voting immigration activists and supporters have been fighting for DREAM Act students and Immigrants to receive a pathway to citizenship via legal immigration reform.

Mexican-American comprehensive immigrant reform activists have been supporting a pathway to citizenship for years because of their fellow family members getting deported. With regard to DREAM Act organizations, United We Dream is the first and largest national immigrant youth-led organization working for road map to citizenship and fair treatment for 11 million undocumented Americans.

Yet the so-called dreamactivist.org says this about the first DREAM Act organization:

But there are a couple leaders who do not appear to be in support of becoming American citizens. These two leaders I am highlighting are not from Mexico and the reason why I am confronting this issue is because I see far right wing media outlets trying to use the Iranian immigrant who refers to our Nation as "Amerikkka" (yet using our Nation to save his life; and using another leader who is an immigrant from Fiji who has made comments that she feels like it is "nonsense" for immigrants who yearn to be citizens". (See below).

Both Mohammad Abdollahi (Iranian immigrant) and Prerna Lal (Fijian immigrant) are co-founders of DreamActivist.org.
Far right wing media outlets like Brietbart already appear to be anti-Mexican but they also have intentions to use a couple of radical leaders who refer to our Nation as "Amerikkka" or have anti-white views as the poster children for the DREAM Act even though they know damned well most of the DREAM Act students have pledged their allegiance to our Nation and are aspiring to become contributing Americans of our society. Wouldn't it make sense for the far right wing media outlets to highlight the patriotic students who want to achieve the American dream while contributing talents or the education they received here?
Why are the far right wing Conservative media outlets choosing the two most extreme radicals that have opposing views of reasonable DREAMers and/or the Mexican-American voter? It is a well known fact that the fight is for legal immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship.

Red flags were raised when these 2 leaders were bashing President Obama and supporting Mitt Romney for President in 2012 even though it was Romney who advocated self-deportation ideas. It appears both Mohammad and Mitt Romney agree on the idea of self-deportation for controversy reasons.

The majority of Mexican-American immigration activists are against self-deportation ideas so why was Mohammad (the Iranian immigrant who refuses to self-deport) encouraging Mexican immigrants to self-deport during the DREAM9 incident? One would think a real DREAM Act activist would be against self-deportation ideas Romney supported.
Could it be that these faux DREAM Act persons a/k/a dream-posters
are manufacturing a crisis controversy so they can solicit for donations?
You decide. While you are deciding, try to figure out how much goes to the lawyer who more than likely may be helping at a reduced fee or doing pro bono work, or to the actual dreamer or the activist or organization.

Arizona Mexican-American voters are taking a stand against anti-American and anti-whitey rhetoric we see far right wingers trying to use in an effort to quash immigration reform efforts. We have witnessed the likes of Senator Russell Pearce (sponsor of SB1070) make the argument that Mexicans are not "patriotic" and/or are a drain to American society.
We are keenly aware that the Gang of Eight Comprehensive Immigration Reform passed the Democratic controlled Senate and we have a hurdle yet to overcome via the Republican Controlled House of Representatives. Extreme views will be used by anti-immigrant folks and they will take every opportunity to use bad examples to make it harder for us to convince moderate Republicans to be a part of a CIR bipartisanship deal.
Since undocumented immigrants cannot vote, it is up to us -- the American voter to do our best to see a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill signed by President Obama. We know that the bill will not be perfect and we know and understand a compromise has to be made in an effort to convince the GOP Controlled house of representatives.
We are at the point where we want to see our fellow man who has been living in the shadows come out with his/her head up high taking a sigh of relief knowing they no longer have to hide anymore.
Tune in to the Carlos Galindo show Monday Morning at 7:00 am - 9:00 am (Arizona time) to find out how several Mexican-Americans are distancing themselves from anti-American radicals.