The WWE has gone on a charm offensive over the past few years, presenting itself as a caring, family-friendly company. However, upon closer scrutiny, this has revealed itself to be nothing but a smokescreen to mask their backstage tolerance of racism, sexism, and homicidal environment (anyone remember Chris Benoit?).
In the past, owner Vince McMahon could care less about obtaining good publicity, but with his daughter, Stephanie McMahon, and her henpecked husband, Paul Levesque (aka Triple H), slowly ascending towards the throne, they have tried to "work" the media into thinking that the WWE are about caring for their employees. A case in point: the WWE will be given an award by an entity called the "Sports Legacy Institute," which has been funding research on the effects of concussions in sports. The WWE has been responsible for many concussion related injuries of its workforce over the decades, but throwing a little money at this group seems to have bought it some love from the media.
However, we at Daily Kos are not so easily duped. The "Sports Legacy Institute" is run by one of their former employees, Christopher Nowinski, who maintains a good relationship with them. It would be as if the Koch Brothers donated to a small fund run by Sean Hannity for Doctors killed by Anti-Abortion terrorists.
Some disturbing news this week emerged which Stephanie McMahon and Paul Levesque have tried to cover up: their 3rd or 4th in command at WWE, Michael Hayes, was secretly suspended for giving alcohol to one of the WWE's female wrestlers, who had just returned from rehab for alcohol addiction.
While this news would have flown under the radar of many media outlets as just another out-of-control WWE employee, Hayes has had a history of behavior which, in any real company, would have had him fired long ago. Let's take a look at what Hayes has done over the years, while asking the question: why does he continue to be employed by the WWE after all of this?:
In 2008:
Hayes (still the 3rd in command at WWE) used the "N" word against one of the WWE's African-American wrestlers, Mark Henry. Hayes was suspended only, with pay, but brought back after a few months. Stephanie McMahon literally gave a paid vacation to a Southerner who verbally assaulted an African-American with the "N" word.
In 2009:
Hayes called a Indian-American writer, David Kapoor, the sand "N" word, according to the controversial book expose of the WWE by Matthew Randazzo V, Ring of Hell. Hayes was not punished, but Kapoor was threatened to be fired by Stephanie McMahon for smiling on camera around the same time.
This is now Hayes third offense: offering alcohol to a woman who works under him, and one he knew would be very susceptible to its effects. Why does a man want to get a woman drunk? If not that, he must have been surely aware that one goes into rehab for alcohol addiction because the substance is impacting one's health so seriously, that one's life could be at risk.
The WWE has fired individuals for much less: for example, they fired their long-time announcer, Jim Ross, for not moderating a public event the way that Stephanie McMahon wanted to, according to the most respected wrestling historian and journalist in the business, Mr. Dave Meltzer, in his Wrestling Observer newsletter.
The WWE has also gone to long lengths to buy off its critics, such as Paul Heyman, who spoke out against Hayes in various interviews in the past, and even long-estranged former wrestler Bruno Sammartino, as well as the aforementioned Christopher Nowinski. But buying off their harshest critics will not stop the behavior of monsters like Michael Hayes.
Stephanie McMahon, a staunch Republican, along with her mother, Linda McMahon, have long trumpeted themselves as defenders of women's rights. But it seems that Stephanie McMahon turns a blind eye to women's rights when it comes to Michael Hayes treatment of them.
Will the WWE do the right thing and FIRE Mr. Hayes this time? Or will it send him on yet another paid vacation as a reward for his sexist, racist, and life-threatening behavior?