John McCain, looking out for Democrats
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ):
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that Democrats would "pay a heavy, heavy price" for changing the Senate rules for judicial and executive nominees.
"They're governed by the newer members... who have never been in a minority, who are primarily driving this issue," McCain told reporters after the vote. "They succeeded and they will pay a very, very heavy price for it."
Hmmm. That seems like a case of projection fever, doesn't it? After all, Republicans are the ones governed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), their newest member. And Republicans are the ones who no longer have the power to veto President Obama's judicial nominees despite not having a majority, a power they've abused more frequently during Obama's time in office than ever before in history.
That all being said, it sure was nice for Republicans to stand up for Democrats today, because clearly that's what they were trying to do when every single one of them voted against the rules change.