According to today's Sydney Morning Herrald, "Julian Assange's Wikileaks Party is under fire for directing its [supporter's] preferences [in the upcoming Australia Senate election in which Assange is running for a Senate seat] to the Shooters and Fishers Party and the white nationalist Australia First Party ahead of both major parties [the Labor Party and the Coalition, a conservative party akin to the USA Republican Party] and the Greens in the New South Wales Senate race."
"Australia First's policies include reducing and limiting immigration and 'abolishing multiculturalism'. The chairman of Australia First, Jim Saleam, is a former neo-Nazi who was convicted in the late 1080s of organising a shotgun attack on the home of an Australian representative of the African National Congress [Nelson Mandela's party]."
Wow - Julian Assange asking his supporters to vote for a white supremacist party!