Most people were pretty happy with President Obama's State of the Union speech, but we shouldn't overlook the fact that it made Republicans—specifically, congressional Republicans—very sad. So sad, in fact, that his words forced them to sit on their hands throughout nearly the entire speech.
Here's a video showing everything that President Obama said that made them stay silent:
To recap, when President Obama said these things...
- That it's a good thing that after 12 long years the war in Afghanistan is finally coming to an end
- That Congress shouldn't shut down government or threaten the full faith and credit of the United States
- That Congress should pass legislation to put more Americans to work in the tech manufacturing sector
- That he'll protect natural lands with his executive power
- That Congress should repeal tax breaks for Big Oil
- That Congress should restore unemployment insurance that it let expire at the end of the year
- That women deserve equal pay for equal work
- That nobody who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty, so Congress should raise the minimum wage to $10.10
- That Congress shouldn't have another 40+ votes to repeal Obamacare
- That votes, not money, should drive democracy
- That he'll work to prevent more tragedies like Sandy Hook
...Republicans couldn't bring themselves to applaud. And if you can't understand why in the world they'd be against all that stuff, then you definitely should be voting Democratic in November.