Avoiding reality must be a full time Republican occupation. After over 40,000 people delivered Ted Cruz an epic smack down on Facebook, you would think that any Republican would be aware enough to not tempt a similar fate. You would be wrong.
Apparently nothing penetrates the arrogant ignorance and hubris of today's Republicans. Example number 666 - Senator Mitch McConnell - who has asked Facebook followers who they'd want as Senate Majority Leader starting in 2015.
Over two thousand comments have been posted thus far. The majority of them are not what Senator McConnell thought he'd be reading - everything from "you need to retire," "Harry. Thanks for asking," to longer comments like this -
At least Reid supports a liveable wage, equal pay for woman, veteran bills, jobs bills, healthcare for everyone, free and fair elections, tax reform, ending corporate tax evasion, clean drinking water, disaster relief, not borrowing money to start unnecessary wars, not stealing and destroying farm land so oil companies and foreign countries can profit(i.e. Keystone pipeline) he's against voter suppression, he supports teachers, police and fire fighters, fixing our infrastructure, feeding the poor and poor children... Should I continue? Because Mitch has blocked or cut all of the above.
And this -
I used to vote for the person, not the party. I'm one of the people who put Reagan into office and voted for Eric Cantor several times early in his career.
I don't know why or what happened, but something has changed. Right now the GOP seems more interested in doing nothing and stopping everything than in doing anything to move the country forward.
Okay, so you lost the White House this time around (twice, actually). GET OVER IT. We are paying you a huge amount to help run this country when many people can't find jobs and can't get unemployment because of how YOU have voted while in office.
Leaders don't blame others and find ways to make things happen.
What are you making happen? Nothing. What have you done to cross the aisle and make sure some bills that help us get passed, whether they're from the GOP or the Democrats?
The Do-Nothing Congress passed around 900 bills. Your Congress, last session, passed about 100.
Stop kissing up to the extreme right wingers who make Reagan look liberal and start acting like a true conservative who cares more about this country than about re-election or getting more campaign funding.
Pass more bills that help us and spend less time whining like a little child.
Even Republicans who voted for Reagan and Cantor are fed up!!
Looks like it's time to release the kraken.
Go forth and wield your mighty pen....um....keyboard upon the McConnell's FB page.
And when you're through having some fun with that, how about giving some support to his Democratic opponent - Alison Lundergan Grimes.
McTurtle is doing everything he can to slime her, a sign of desperation if there ever was one, including pulling out the old sexist insults.
Mitch McConnell endorses sexist attack on his opponent
If you can, throw a few dollars her way. Every dollar counts towards seeing victory in November and Mitch McConnell having to leave the Senate.
Let's get it done.
Happy Friday! Hope you're all looking forward to a relaxing weekend. This might bring a smile. The number of comments replying to Senator McConnell's question are fast approaching 7,000. Hope that we'll see well over 10,000 before the weekend is through. The rate of new comments coming in seems to be picking up. This could be fun to watch. Wonder if Mitch will beat Cruz's number of replies?
"Ditch Mitch!," or a version there of, is the opinion of the vast majority of those replying to McConnell's question. Seeing more comments calling for GOTV and electing Alison Grimes to replace McConnell, a very good thing. Everything depends upon getting out the vote this year. Everything. So, let's make it so. Won't you please give her your support and help get the word out so more folks will do the same? The link to sign up and help her defeat Mitch McConnell is here -
Thank you so much
Second Update:
It's mid afternoon on this glorious Friday. It's actually Spring like out there! Yay! Thought I'd bring you up to date on the latest number of replies to the Senator's question - over 7,500! The word is still spreading about McConnell's FB post. Don't see this dying down any time soon, especially since he's more than willing to destroy the ACA and along with it more than 402,000 Kentuckians' health care. McConnell's acts of betrayal don't end with wanting to destroy people's health care. His record of betraying Veterans is stunning.
He truly is a self serving schmuck. And that's being kind. He blocks or votes against Bills that would help Veterans and then speaks at a convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars and says that how the Administration is treating Veterans is a "national disgrace." Seriously. He did that. It's what he always does on everything. He voted to kill the bipartisan crafted Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012. That's what he's been doing to Veterans for over five years. And all the while he makes up excuses for stabbing Veterans in the back, again and again. If he's more than willing to do that to our Veterans, then he's been doing it to all of us. He has been lying to the people of Kentucky for so long now that his lips don't know the taste of truth. Kentuckians deserve better. We all do.
Third Update:
Good Saturday to you! Hope you're all going to have a glorious weekend. Folks have been busy replying to the Senator's question. The number of responses is just under 8,500 and rising. The call to "Ditch Mitch" is in full voice and has expanded to include ditching the entire GOP, or as one commenter put it - the Grievous Obstruction Party. Let us help make it so by supporting Alison Grimes and other candidates, how ever we can. We can make 2014 the year when everything changed. I like the sound of that. How about you?