The morning seemed to start well for Sam Brownback, who brought in failed Republican candidate Rick Santorum to get a boost in his election efforts here in Kansas. Brownback, who has consistently trailed his Democratic opponent, Paul Davis.
Santorum was brought in by Brownback to make a strong appeal to his most conservative voters, and his star power was expected to bring some help to Brownback's campaign.
But his appearance didn't start or end well. First, the Brownback event in Kansas City was originally scheduled to appear at the Community America Ballpark in Wyandotte county. This large ballpark could have been the setting for a big crowd. Instead, Brownback faced a shallow crowd turnout in front of Cars4Less in Olathe, Kansas. Talk about a change of scenery.
Original Pitch:
Where the Ball Landed:
But it wasn't until later in the afternoon, in a gathering in Wichita that the Brownback campaign found itself on the offensive against the crowd that did show up.. teachers in red shirts.
KSN talked to teachers outside and Rick Santorum.
“It makes me feel great. I think the typical Kansan supports education, and I think there will be a lot more people on our side than on the governor’s side,” said Dave Kirkbridge, South Central Kansas National Education Association.
“Unfortunately, and I say this unfortunately, the union activist and NEA or the KNEA are an adjunct of the democratic party, they are going to protest a republican governor because he’s there fighting for students and parents and local control of education,” said Rick Santorum, former presidential candidate.
As teachers appeared, security for the event and the Wichita Police department told them they must leave the event.
Teachers, expelled from a public place so that Brownback could start the film - a presentation of Ronald Reagan in Knute Rockne to a theater that didn't come close to being full.
While Rick Santorum offered his full throated defense in front of a Cars4Less, they faced an audience that wasn't always on their side. More importantly, standing in front of a used car lot, many wondered exactly what kind of vehicle they were buying.
Yelled a heckler from the streetside. Who indeed.
For an event originally slated for a baseball park, you have to know that the crowd would be rapt and huge - and the car dealership of course would have a great day with so many die hard Republicans coming to his lot.
In Olathe, Santorum told more than 200 people who crammed into the dealership's show room that Brownback should in theory have no problem winning re-election. But Santorum said liberals will keep attacking him over his views on social issues and because they don't want Kansas to be a low-tax, small-government example for the nation.
"Sam takes on the dragons. He is the warrior," Santorum said, later adding, "He is a visionary in a state that can lead."
200 People showed up. Whoops. I guess I know why they decided against using the ballpark now.
Brownback faced protestors in both Olathe and Wichita..
In Olathe, a small group of teachers' union and pro-education protesters with signs stood alongside the road running by the car dealership and later joined the crowd inside the showroom.
The teachers apparently haven't forgotten in Kansas, and they know a little something about showing up.
I seem to remember more than a thousand of them showing up in Topeka to remind Sam of that fact a few months ago, and the parents who support them.
The teachers were expelled from Wichita today when the governor couldn't face the protest. The "F" student got his chance to speak to a microscopic audience.
It appears as though Governor Brownback's message just isn't sinking in.
UPDATE: In one of the most shocking endorsements I can remember
Rick Santorum at the after meeting in Wichita informed the crowd that the "Fate of the Free World" is at stake if Brownback doesn't win re-election, and equates Democratic Candidate Paul Davis with the Evil Eye of Mordor in the Lord of the Rings, casting Sam Brownback as one of the Hobbits it seems.
Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum told a Wichita audience Monday that the “future of the free world” hinges on the upcoming election between Gov. Sam Brownback and House Minority Leader Paul Davis.
“The left doesn’t want a successful governor doing big things that are conservative, so they’ve come after him,” Santorum said.
Santorum urged the crowd to “light up” social media and put Brownback stickers on their cars, even if they were worried about getting the glue remnants off after the election.
“OK, I’m sorry, the future of the free world is at stake, and you’re worried about it sticking to your car,” he said.
Santorum, now a producer of Christian and conservative-themed movies, drew an analogy from the “Lord of the Rings” films to illustrate his view of Brownback’s political opponents.
“The other side is like the Eye of Mordor,” he said. “That eye that’s constantly searching. That eye does not have an eyelid. It doesn’t sleep, it doesn’t stop. It’s constantly searching to try to oppress and defeat.”
Wow, that's some creepy imagery. More at the link, but it's too insane to keep quoting.
Talk about hyperbole. Fate of the Free World? I think my 8th grade teacher would look at me and tell me to knock that off.