Now that members of Congress are taking their summer recess, no meaningful legislation will get passed. In other words, nothing has changed. This Congress, particularly in the House, looks at legislating as something to be done after campaigning, after appearing on cable news shows, after fundraising, after washing the car, after cleaning out the rain gutters and whatever else may need to be done on a lazy summer day.
House Republicans seem to have created an activist PR agency rather than a functioning legislative body. Why worry about funding the government past September 30th when you can sue the president? Border crisis involving children, drugs and guns? Forget comprehensive immigration reform, send more money to the Israeli army instead!
So, besides not really doing much of substance when they're supposed to be running the, um, country, now Congress gets to have a five week vacation, on top of their other vacations and breaks. Nice gig! (Be sure to check out more news behind the cartoon here.)
[to tune of Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah . . . Camp Granada]
Hello voters, while we're puttin',
Here we are at, Camp Do-Nuttin'
Camp is where we, rest and play,
It's about the same as every other day.
I was talkin', with John Boehner,
He said Barry, had gotten lamer.
Why not sue him, after dinner.
He is nothin' but a commie leftist sinner!
All those kids there, down at the border,
We're much tougher, and much older.
Plus we're feeling, rather smarmy,
We'd rather give instead to the Israeli Army!
Camp Do-Nuttin', now it's swell,
You're not Congress, go to hell!
Your min'mum wage, is just fine,
Now bring me another nice big glass of wine.
You're outta' work, them's the breaks,
At Camp Do-Nuttin', we got steaks!
The check's used up, you cry boo-hoo,
Unemployment help's a thing we didn't do.
You shoulda' learned to, fundraise dinner,
Then you'd really, be a winner.
Ask Paul Ryan, budget-maker,
How to cut off all the moochers and the takers!
We'll be back in, five weeks or so,
Then maybe work, in time for snow.
It's lotsa' blockin', and some cuttin',
But mostly our work is just doin' nuttin'!