After suffering multiple virtual gunshot wounds, the "Post Racial" assertion by the Roberts Court now lies face down in the gutter it crawled from, bleeding out and sending conservative pundits running for cover.
This is not a 'post racial' society in any sense of the words.
According to the Roberts Court, we're living in
a "Post-Racial" society. That, of course, is a falsehood - it's not "wishful thinking" on the Court's behalf. It's a blatantly transparent attempt to mask and provide cover for the increasingly rabid racism that Right-wing conservatives, libertarians, Tea Partiers and Republicans have been fomenting since President Obama was nominated, and which they've all vigorously expanded and exploited since he was first elected. We're seeing that in the increased incidents of racially motivated violence - it's not pretty. It's pretty tragic, and very reminiscent of the not-so-distant past...the very past which the Roberts Court insists is now completely behind us.
The damage done by the Roberts Court in their efforts to undermine the Voting Rights Act, as well as set an initial foundation for undermining any other aspects of our society that were crafted to help reduce racial inequalities - and which apply, in many instances, to other types of discriminatory practices and hate crimes - is a shameful reminder of the depths that right-wing conservatives will sink to in order to undermine our nation in order to serve their special interests, their arrogance and their ideology ("idiocy").
For more information about the image above, read Breaking news! 17 year old shot 10 times by officer by cyncynical.
That is all.
Postscript: Oh - duh. Also very relevant to the topic of voting, see Something is rotten in Anne Arundel County, Maryland by Denise Oliver Velez.