Kentucky Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Alison Lundergan Grimes unveils a new reason to vote for her in her newest TV ad:
ALISON LUNDERGAN GRIMES (voiceover): Mitch McConnell wants you to think I'm Barack Obama. Mitch is the same guy who thought Duke basketball players were UK. Who's attacking me on coal after doing next to nothing while we lost thousands of coal jobs. He even said it's 'not his job' to bring jobs to Kentucky.
GRIMES (to camera): I'm not Barack Obama. I disagree with him on guns, coal, and the EPA. And Mitch, that's not how you hold a gun.
So she's for UK basketball, guns, coal, and holding a gun correctly whilst target shooting. And she's not Barack Obama. So vote for her.
But whatever you do, don't talk about the fact that she wants to protect Kynect, Kentucky's implementation of Obamacare, from her opponent, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Sure, Kynect is delivering health insurance to a half-million Kentuckians—nearly ten percent of the state. Sure, McConnell wants to repeal Obamacare and along with it Kynect. And sure, the biggest gains in insurance coverage have come in the areas where McConnell is running strongest—the areas he can't win without dominating.
But don't mention that, because voters don't care about tangible things that make a real difference in their lives. What they care about are the intangibles: Like not being Barack Obama, not confusing Duke with UK, not saying your job isn't to bring jobs to Kentucky, and not holding a gun incorrectly. And it's important to stay focused on the things that people care about most.