Following the release of a
6,700-page report on American torture practices, Fox News was very upset. The network's hosts and guests assailed the notion of transparency, attacked the report's release as political, talked about Jonathan Gruber, and generally insisted that Americans should not know what our government is doing when it comes to torture. But leave it to
Outnumbered co-host Andrea Tantaros to really put
the Fox News position on torture in terms anyone can understand:
"The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome," she said. "We’ve closed the book on it, and we’ve stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we’re not awesome."
"They apologized for this country, they don’t like this country, they want us to look bad. And all this does is have our enemies laughing at us, that we are having this debate again," Tantaros continued.
That's right, her response to torture is "we are awesome." And how dare anyone point out that empirically, when it comes to torture, we are not awesome. Unless you figure that the United States doing a thing a lot makes the U.S. awesome at it, regardless of morality or results. In that case, I guess the U.S. is awesome when it comes to torture.
The time to worry about making this country look bad might have been before the decision to do a lot of torturing. Just sayin'. But then again, this is a woman whose response to NFL star Ray Rice knocking his wife unconscious was to ask "where is the president on this one?" and who has claimed that Attorney General Eric Holder "runs that DOJ like the Black Panthers would." She's obviously determined to be a Fox News breakout star, and she really seems to have what it takes.
Video below the fold.