If there was something shitty simmering on the political stove, TNR was there to stir the pot.
Michael Kelly's Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Betsy McCaughey's awful "No Exit". Marty Peretz. Bring on The Bell Curve. What the Democrats Really Need to do is... Run/Flee from the Left. Very Serious People! Very Unserious People! Andrew Sullivan. Mickey Kaus. Michael Kinsley. Charles Krauthammer. Fred Barnes. Morton Kondracke. Stephen Glass "fact checker". Charles Lane. Peter Beinart. Humanitarian Hawkery. Simpson-Bowles Worship. Deficit Fetishism. The Hillary Mystique. Neoliberal Contrarianism. Joe Lieberman Worship. Iraq War Pimps. "Baghdad Diaries". Hippy Punching. Occupy Bashing. Austerity Cult. Gotta Look Forward and Not Backism. Grand Bargaineering. Skin in the Game Cheerleading. No Labels Pushing. Elizabeth Warren and Bill DeBlasio Sneering. Worrying About Civility Meta while America's Middle Class Declines.
Sorry? You expect some mourning for the possible passing of this shambling animated shitpile?
I'm more likely to cry over Michelle Rhee getting in a "root for injuries" feud with Students First.
The Very Serious few seem to see Superman lying in a rapidly spreading pool of noble blood. Look around. Do you see the America we live in today? The one where the Movement Conservative Right dominates the lives of every American as never before? Where the Democratic Party is defanged and riddled with political malpractice in the face of the most bad faith-fueled malignant force for public dysfunction since the Gilded Age? This, in part, owes a great deal of thanks to the hard work and constant drive of the "intellectuals" who work at, and who subscribe to, TNR. A land where it's a bigger sin to call somebody a liar than to be a liar. The America with the fainting couch rules. Where it is better to lose and be noble in the ashes that to be uncivil and partisan and win. Where you can always bomb your way to peace.
We'd have all been better off if the New Republic had disappeared ages ago. Cry me a river.
All this serf can see is a force for bad and worse lying in a paste-like puddle of wet pablum.
"Even the liberal New Republic..." indeed.
Maybe, if America is really, really lucky, the boy genius who did your Daddy in can distract himself from all the Tweeted wailing and Facebook-based rending of meta-garments by taking the time to offer young master Jeffy Bezos some advice for what he can do next for the WaPo.