If anyone was curious if Rick Santorum would pull back a wee bit on publicly hating teh gays in his perennial run for president, his remarks
during a meeting with Iowa state legislators yesterday should put any question to rest.
Noting his opposition to the 2003 Supreme Court decision striking down laws against sodomy, Rick thinks that all that frothing he did back in the day provides him all the gravitas needed to be handed the keys to the Oval Office.
The video first posted to the conservative blog Caffinated Thoughts and later picked up by Right Wing Watch, shows Santorum at his whiny, victimized best. He gnashes his teeth and rends his garments over the press reporting his bigoted and extremist views in practically every race he has ever entered.
Head below for the video and more on this story.
One social conservative issue that I think is, two of them, I should say, are paramount right now. Number one, the one that has been in the news recently is religious liberty. I know we've all, and State legislatures have seen what happened in Indiana and Arkansas. What happened there was the media created a firestorm and leaders didn't lead. ...
And you learn that the media can be brutal. It can be intimidating. It can be overwhelming, and you can look at folks and think, ‘That is a stand-up person, they are going to stand-up tall. They are not going to back down when it gets tough.’ Then you realize, ‘Wow, that is not what I thought was going to happen.’
I just share this with you because there is nothing… and this is what Walt (Rogers) was talking about… there is nothing that substitutes for experience, and particularly experience being in the middle of a vortex of a firestorm when your conservative principles and ideas are under the most intense scrutiny. And where you’re being called everything you can possibly imagine and trying to intimidate you from backing away from your position. That is when you find out if the person has what is necessary to stand up and lead through a difficult time, not back down, not run for the hills, not bail out, but actually stand-up in a positive and hopefully winsome way and make the arguments.
I always say when it comes to whether it's religious liberty now or the marriage issue or a whole bunch of other things, we are losing these arguments simply because we aren't making them. We're not making them because we are intimidated from them. And I think that's just a...if that continues then life as we know it, particularly the family, is going to become a very very bad trap in the long term.
Oh for the love of ... Rick, you giant tool. You and your fellow bigots aren't "losing these arguments simply because [you] aren't making them." You
have made your sad, tired arguments over and over again and you have lost nearly all of them on their own glaring lack of merit.
The media did not create a firestorm in Indiana. Mike Pence and his fellow conservatives in the legislature created that firestorm. Rick Santorum was never put through the wringer. He jumped into that wringer himself with his big, homophobic, theocratic mouth and has no one to blame for getting wrung out "over and over again" but himself.
I could do without seeing his smug, pinched face over the course of the next election cycle. But if I have to, I will take some comfort knowing that he will once again be mocked and ridiculed as the ridiculous ass clown he is and has always been.