He's feelin' it.
Wow, I so did not need to know that a "Christian rap group" has devoted one of its recent "songs"
to supporting Ted Cruz:
Published Wednesday, “Set it on Fire” rhymes in support of a Reagan-style revolution led by the junior Texas senator.
“When power is concentrated centrally and federally/ it creates dependency that’s medically like leprosy.”
Please stop. And technically leprosy would be like things falling off the government, not—
“Collectivism, everyone’s a victim like the reds do,” the song goes. “And for our next president, we’re all in for Ted Cruz.”
Why are you not stopping. What kind of Christians are you?
“Just as many churches in Germany sang louder on Sunday mornings to drown out the sounds of wailing Jews in boxcars on the way to the concentration camps,” the group’s website’s “About” page says, “the majority of pulpits and pews in the American churches have been willfully ignoring the stench of blatant evil rising in this once godly nation.”
Ah. That kind.
Well, there you have it. Ted Cruz has clearly sown up the "people who like Christian rap and comparing things to Hitler" demographic.
Oh, right—no doubt some of you want the link to the song. Yeah, um, no. I don't want that on my conscience. The Politico link above has it, if you have only a few weeks to live and want to just end everything right the hell now.
Also, Ted Cruz couldn't "revolution" himself out of a paper bag, so unless your "revolution" consists of pointless grandstanding and shutdowns of the government for no achievable purpose—which it might—you might want to look for a revolutionary leader whose record of accomplishment consists of something more substantial than demanding everyone else in his party repeatedly shoot themselves in the feet.