Greetings, all you white supremacists, you Neo-Nazi Nutbags, you teabaggers and all you other racist Hatriots spreading your ignorant Islamaphobia all over this country; all you who equate 'science" with "liberal indoctrination"; all you climate change deniers who have no problem claiming floods and disasters are 'God's punishment' for whatever your current focus of freaking out actually is, I am speaking to you.
You people are fucking stupid.
Many good liberals will tell me this is not the way to go about it, but, the hell with them too. They are too nice and this has to be said. It won't take long and I typed it really slow so you or a literate loved one can read it.
Muslims are not your problem in this life.
Gay people are not your problem in this life.
Education - while you may have little - is not the problem your tiny, undisciplined minds make it out to be.
Liberals, like me? We're not your problem either. Not in the least.
And I'm just a messenger.
THE PROBLEM, which I don't really expect you to understand - I wrote this just to get it off my chest - is the 1%.
Once upon a time there was a literate man, named John Steinbeck, who wrote good books and had good thoughts. One of them applies here:
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
All you dull-witted morons hating on the issues listed above are utterly wasting what little time you have on this Earth.
Your beliefs are false. You don't know half what you think you do. What you do "know" is like a set of disjointed stupid ideas put in a bowl and stirred up and however they come out is how they come out. (Look at your stupid protests signs: holy shit.)
No, the Real Problem is the RICH. They are your problem as much as OUR problem: ALL of us are damaged and oppressed by the RICH and the politicians who do their bidding. Which means all Republicans and MOST Democrats.
You dimwits are the ones who feel you are 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' when the vast majority of us aren't really even going to make a fraction of what we should because of the policies OF THE RICH. We are ALL exploited and oppressed. Pretty much equally. But some of us know which end is up...... and that's not you guys..
Because you all glorify and celebrate stupid and regularly show off how anti-learning you is, the RICH have had a field day filling your tiny skull cavities with hatred and false information which you wear around like a badge of friggin honor.
Muslims aren't holding back on job creation: Republicans are helping the rich eliminate jobs and job opportunities because they don't want you to have any money.
Gay people aren't cutting you off of food stamps or welfare: Republicans are doing that because they don't want you to have ANY money.
Liberals aren't killing your unemployment benefits that you need when some Republican-owned business ships itself to China: The RICH are trying to get richer AND impoverish you at the same time.
Terrorists may "hate America" and you may believe they are dying to come here and do thus and so and perhaps they might....(I do NOT expect you to link American's actions with inflaming other cultures while you are busily inflaming another culture): They are, however, nothing compared to the systematic damage wrought by republicans and the rich (and bad Democrats) as they eliminate jobs and food stamps and fight your access to healthcare every last step of the way. They plan to kill off more of you and us than any terrorist organization could ever dream of. And you morons will cheer them every step of the way: Because you are that stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does and that picture is chock full o'stupid. People bellowing their stupidity like so many stupid cows. (No offense to real or actual cows, living or dead, though.)
You numbnuts TOTALLY wasted your time trying to incite violence so you can shoot your guns and get your racist, gun-toting rocks off while the 1% fucks your OUR future.
Smell yourselves and wake the fuck up.