And now for your daily reminder that Texas's House Republicans are some of the most horrible people in the entire country, which is apparently
how they get the job.
On the Chris Salcedo Show last week, the radio host asked Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) to weigh in on the horrific shooting on live TV of two journalists in Virginia. After acknowledging that widespread gun violence is a daily occurrence in the United States, Sessions zeroed in on what he viewed as the real cause.
“It has a lot to do with distrust of people. Chris, I have been in lots of societies, we could say like Japan, where they have a homogeneous society, where people are more alike,” Sessions said. He went on to discuss “this thought process that we have to have diversity in America.”
Ye. Effing. Gods. That's right kids, the problem in America isn't that we are morbidly obsessed with "gun rights" over people rights, to the extent that even massacres of rooms full of schoolchildren isn't enough to sway us into maybe taking steps to keep America's large population of not-at-all-stable people away from guns like every other civilized nation already does. The problem is we just have too many, you know ... minorities. You can't expect Americans to keep a level head and not murder kids or theater patrons or news anchors when they've got all this
diversity to work through.
Japan has very few minorities and very few guns. The reason they're not shooting one another is, our Texas Republican friend theorizes, the lack of minorities.
Although Sessions did acknowledge that “we should and we need to work for” a kind of mutual respect across diverse groups, the thrust of his remarks was that diversity breeds a kind of mistrust that sparks gun violence. “We have a group of people that are in our country that we’re afraid of, that have created chaos and confusion. And now our country is confused” he told Salcedo, without elaborating on precisely who that group of people is.
Oh, I think we all know who that
group of people is. It is the group of people who are blamed for all society's ills. A few years ago it was a different group of people; a few years from now it will have changed again. But there is always a
group of people that is forever undermining good decent straight white conservative people like Rep. Pete Sessions and making them do Bad Things against their will, possibly by burning flags or wanting wedding cakes or demanding they be allowed to vote or just being
there, in public, and that is why Pete Sessions figures his fellow countrymen are just so damn eager to murder people.
You know something, though? In his Texas Republican way, Sessions is indeed on to something. A quick perusal of the latest NRA flyer or a few words with your average open carry aficionado will make the point quite clearly: Americans openly say they need more and more guns while the citizens of every other nation have very few because, for a certain segment of Americans, the suspicion that they may at some not-too-distant point in time be called upon to murder this or that designated group of people is the entire reason for keeping their guns close to them in the first place. Most civilized countries have decided that particular aspiration is not one they want to coddle or encourage, but we are not most civilized countries. We are America, a place that puts people like Pete Sessions in charge of our laws.