Trevor Noah performed a Jon Stewart-esque skit where he used Republicans' own words against them. Stewart could not have done a better job.
Noah started the skit with the newest attack/setup on Planned Parenthood, the infamous film that was edited and manipulated. He showed Carly Fiorina hyperventilating about a fetus being kept alive in order to harvest its brain. The problem was that the fetus had nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.
Trevor Noah then went on to highlight Congressman Jason Chaffetz's Planned Parenthood hearing. He was summarily embarrassed by both Cecile Richards, and the behavior of the Republicans who sounded like seasoned misogynists.
In the end Trevor Noah challenged the very core definition of pro-life. The last few sentences said it all.
"Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more well, pro-life," Noah said. "... The point is if pro-lifers would just redirect their power towards gun violence. The amount of lives they could save would reach superhero levels. They just need to have a superhero, total dedication to life because right now they are more like comic book collectors. Human life only holds value until you take it out of the package. And then it is worth nothing."