Mr President, if you can't secure it, don't collect it. That's my message to President Obama.
The Senate vote on CISA was a disappointment.
Wyden: Without privacy protections, CISA is a surveillance bill:
An interview with Senator Wyden after Senate vote. He is not giving up.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), CISA's leading congressional critic and the only Intelligence Committee member to vote against it in committee, has promised to oppose the bill's final passage by any means necessary, but he has not specifically threatened to filibuster it.
Sanders has not decided whether or not to join a potential filibuster. His office told The Daily Dot that he is waiting to see which of the 22 proposed amendments get votes on the Senate floor. The Senate's Republican leadership may allow votes on some of the privacy amendments in an attempt to move things along, but no deal has yet been reached.
Looking at Bernie's strong record against a surveillance state; he voted against patriot act, and is
pushing for an end to mass surveillance. I know he will be standing strong against this legislation.
Given the Senate vote any opposition faces very long odds. The US surveillance state moves forward and gets stronger.